Senior Master
The Encyclopedia of Kenpo defines the Equation Formula as follows:
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This is a special formula that one can follow to develop specific, practical, and logical fighting patterns. The formula allows you a more conclusive basis for negotiating your alternate actions. It reads as follows:
To any given base, whether it is a single move or a series of movements, you can...
(1) prefix it - add a move or moves before it
(2) suffix it - add a move or moves after it
(3) insert - add a simultaneous move with the already established sequence. This move can be used as a (a) pinning check - using pressure against an opponent's weapons to nullify their delivery (b) positioned check - where you place the hand or leg in a defensive position or angle to minimize entry to your vital areas.
(4) rearrange - change the sequence of the moves
(5) alter the - (a) weapon (b) target (c) weapon & target
(6) adjust the - (a) range (b) angle of execution, which affects width and height (c) both angle of execution and range
(7) regulate the - (a) speed (b) force (c) both speed & force (d) intent & speed
(8) delete - exclude a move or moves from the sequence
What is your understanding of this principle? Why is it important to understand?
What other principles are closely related? How do they apply?
For the instructors: What methods or tools do you use to teach this principle?