Primitive Long Range Shooting


Master Black Belt
Today many who shoot on the two, three, four and five hundred yard ranges will usually use,
1) Palm rests,
2) Adjustable hook type butt plates,
3) Slings,
4) Bi-pods,
5) High power optical scopes
6) Optical scope's that have been pre-set for wind drift and drop,
7) Specialized non slip shooting gloves and jackets.
And the list goes on. Raw skills are now being replaced with superior equipment. There is nothing wrong with this type of shooting, many enjoy it.
I like the raw skills long range shooting. Here are some of the differences.
1) No palm rest is used. Instead you place your index and middle finger on the guns floor plate, place your thumb on the trigger guard. After you are in a good shoot stance flex your stance so that your front hip moves forward, place the elbow of your forward arm onto the top on the hip. This will create a stable base for the forward arm.
2) No hook type plate is used. Instead, complete # 1, along with proper placement of the stock into your rear shoulder area. The rear hand's palm will press inward, locking the rear of the stock against you. Place the rear hands thumb firmly over the top of the stock and your bottom two fingers around the bottom of the stock. The index finger is for the trigger and the middle finger is semi relaxed resting against the back of the trigger guard.
3) For bullet drop you should know the rate of climb and drop of the particular round that you are using.
4) Wind drift, you should know how far your round will drift, by yardage. The wind speed can be figured out by watching things move,like dust, loose leaves, grass bending.
This is the way that I like to "long range" shoot. It is all about you this way.
I use a bipod, because my FAL has a bipod and it would be stupid not to.
But that is only for prone, I do sitting and offhand as well. I only use the bench for sighting in.

I would like to get optics though, my eyes aren't great on the 300 yard targets, and I can't tell if its my crappy shooting mechanics or my eyes, that are giving me lousy groups. 'Course the snow didn't help today. :D

I honestly don't know what the rest of that stuff is, hooked butt plate?

A hooked butt plate is a two peice plate. The female plate attaches directly to the stock. The male end has hook on it. this hook is placed under the shooters arm pit. The two ends slide together. This slide allows you to make adjustments to either raise or lower the stock. This will set you a better, (set), sight picture.

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