Pretty much explaiins my day


Next the embittered fellow will be telling us there's no such thing as Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy or that God is a social control mechanism set in place by those already in positions of authority that they wish to bullwark :lol:.
As bad as all that, was it, XS??? Sorry to hear it!

Don't worry—things will be back on track tomorrow!

Next the embittered fellow will be telling us there's no such thing as Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy or that God is a social control mechanism set in place by those already in positions of authority that they wish to bullwark .

What do yo MEAN there is no Santa Clause!?!?!?!?

As bad as all that, was it, XS??? Sorry to hear it!

Don't worry—things will be back on track tomorrow!


Tomorrow it starts ALL OVER AGAIN.... Work stuff.

And NOW I have run into the same EXACT thing in dealing with a family members PC.

OH the joys of being in the computer business

And if I understand the XS??? correctly, yup its me.
Hope you next work day is better. I can empathise with you though. Fixing family PC's can be the pits!! And there is always one person(Family member) that forwards all the crap emails and insists they are gospel truth:soapbox:
Xue, Your post reminds me. . .

I know this guy whose neighbor, a young man, was home recovering
from having been served a rat in his bucket of Kentucky Fried

So anyway, one day he went to sleep and when he awoke he was in his
bathtub and it was full of ice and he was sore all over. When he
got out of the tub he realized that HIS KIDNEYS HAD BEEN STOLEN,
and he saw a note on his mirror that said "Call 911!"

But he was afraid to use his phone because it was connected to his
computer, and there was a virus on his computer that would destroy
his hard drive if he opened an e-mail entitled "Join the crew!" He
knew it wasn't a hoax, because he himself was a computer programmer
who was working on software to save us from Armageddon when the
year 2000 rolls around. His program will prevent a global disaster
in which all the computers get together & distribute the $600
Neiman Marcus cookie recipe under the leadership of Bill Gates.
(It's true --I read it all last week in a mass e-mail from BILL
GATES HIMSELF, who was also promising me a free Disney World
vacation and $5,000 if I would forward the e-mail to everyone I

The poor man then tried to all 911 from a pay phone to report his
missing kidneys, but reaching into the coin-return slot he got
jabbed with an HIV-infected needle around which was wrapped a note
that said, "Welcome to the world of AIDS."

Luckily he was only a few blocks from the hospital-the one,
actually, where that little boy who is dying of cancer is, the one
whose last wish is for everyone in the world to send him an e-mail
and the American Cancer Society has agreed to pay him a nickel for
every e-mail he receives.

I sent him two e-mails and one of them was a bunch of x's and o's
in the shape of an angel (if you get it and forward it to twenty
people you will have good luck, but ten people you will only have
ok luck, and if you send it to less than ten people you will have

So anyway the poor guy tried to drive himself to the hospital, but
on the way he noticed another car driving along without his lights
on. To be helpful, he flashed his lights at him and was promptly
shot as part of a gang initiation.

Mercifully, this is the end....

(I can't take credit for this, as it was forwarded to me.)
Hope you next work day is better. I can empathise with you though. Fixing family PC's can be the pits!! And there is always one person(Family member) that forwards all the crap emails and insists they are gospel truth:soapbox:

I suspect someone else in the family forwarded his e-mail address as part of a mass e-mail and I also suspect that everyone on that list is now swamped with e-mail.

I gave up last night after I saw a total of 1295 e-mails pending and then watched 5 e-mails go to the filter I set up and still have 1295 e-mails pending. I was at least able to get it down from 1495 pending.

Today I call the provider and have them squash it at the root.
I sent him two e-mails and one of them was a bunch of x's and o's
in the shape of an angel (if you get it and forward it to twenty
people you will have good luck, but ten people you will only have
ok luck, and if you send it to less than ten people you will have

OK I have forwarded it.... 20 times to the same person that use to send these damn things to me all the time :EG:
My hair will fall out now, :(

To bad so Sad for you bad day.
Working in IT is worse than being a doctor. You'll be out somewhere and mention your profession, and next thing you know it's, "I've been having trouble with my scanner..." (This one turned out to be a missing power cord. :rolleyes:)
People I don't know get quoted rates that increase the more annoying they are. People I do know may get the work done, but may also have their IE homepage set to the hamsterdance site. :p
Working in IT is worse than being a doctor. You'll be out somewhere and mention your profession, and next thing you know it's, "I've been having trouble with my scanner..." (This one turned out to be a missing power cord. :rolleyes:)
People I don't know get quoted rates that increase the more annoying they are. People I do know may get the work done, but may also have their IE homepage set to the hamsterdance site. :p

I work with computers all day. I make the computers in your car better and work in call conditions (* If I have done my job right *). I still get the IT questions all the time as people think they are they same. Helping my Dad id not an issue as his questions I can handle or call my Brother who is an IT type.

Personally I have and IT friend who is close by, and I buy him Dinner or a couple of beers. :D I always thought this was the best way to get help. Ask, stand back and let him do his job and then by him a beer or two.
Personally I have and IT friend who is close by, and I buy him Dinner or a couple of beers. :D I always thought this was the best way to get help. Ask, stand back and let him do his job and then by him a beer or two.

OK, I have no problem with this... But NO ONE EVER offers this to me... Well one cousin did but that is all.

I get calls from family members on the Left coast about PC issues and I am on the right coast :soapbox:
Working in IT is worse than being a doctor. You'll be out somewhere and mention your profession, and next thing you know it's, "I've been having trouble with my scanner..." (This one turned out to be a missing power cord. :rolleyes:)
People I don't know get quoted rates that increase the more annoying they are. People I do know may get the work done, but may also have their IE homepage set to the hamsterdance site. :p

My favorite 2 so far are

The guy whose computer would not work, and why wouldn't it work???
well you see if you plug the power strip into itself you just don't have any power

And the multitude of people whose computer is not working and after hearing multiple expletives I go turn the monitor on.

And today is apparently printer day, as if I don't have enough to do. The help desk is too busy and I am apparently the only one that knows anything about printers..... I KNEW I should have never let anyone know I use to do that at my old office.

What is really annoying is that this is not my job. I am a computer security guy, it was my job years ago but not now
Personally I have and IT friend who is close by, and I buy him Dinner or a couple of beers. :D I always thought this was the best way to get help. Ask, stand back and let him do his job and then by him a beer or two.
Yep, this always worked for me, unless the beer is Coors Light. :lol:

My favorite 2 so far are
Just last week I had a woman at work bitching about her "piece of **** computer that shut down by itself." Turned out she had stepped on the switch for the power strip under her desk. :rofl:
Just got another good one.

OUr printer is not working, we can't print anything.

Hard to print to a printer that someone shut off.

Why was it off, "to reset" who shut it off? No one seems to have any idea"
At my current job, I'm doing sales and ad hoc IT work (small company). One of my co-workers should be reported to the EPA for the deforestation her printing causes, and she seems mystified when the printer runs out of paper.
We have a new catchphrase here, coined by yours truly, "You kill it, you fill it." :lol:
Yep, this always worked for me, unless the beer is Coors Light. :lol:

Just last week I had a woman at work bitching about her "piece of **** computer that shut down by itself." Turned out she had stepped on the switch for the power strip under her desk. :rofl:

I prfer Micro Brews but I ordered what they want, even a Jack and Coke. :(