Pressure Points - Stomach Meridian

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
ST 1: CHENGQI (Contain Tears)
Between the eyeball and the midpoint of the infraorbital ridge. The point is above the inferior border of the orbit, in the orbicularis oculi muscle, and in it's deep position, within the orbit are the rectus inferior bulbi and the obliques Inferior bulbi muscles.
ST 1 is one of the more sensitive points and will be easily damaged by even a light blow to the area. Even a li8ght blow is often enough to cause extreme nausea and a drainage of Qi from the upper body. A medium strike here will cause a knock out and a hard strike can cause death. This is a point that will affect badly the Yang Ming through its connection to CO 20 and will in general drain the Yang Qi from the body. The liver is also affected by a strike to ST 1 as the liver controls the eyes and whatever happens to the eye area also has an affect upon the liver.
ST 2: SIBAI (Four Whites)
Approximately 1 cun directly below ST 1, In the Infraorbital foramen between the orbicularis oculi and quadratus labii superior muscles.
Again, this point is quite sensitive and will cause considerable local pain and Qi drainage resulting is a knock out and severe nervous damage. When struck one feels a moving down sensation into the chest and then into the legs which will become weak as a result of the downward draining Qi.
ST 3: JULIAO (Great Seam)
Directly below ST 2, at the level of the lower border of the ala nasi, on the lateral side of the nasolabial groove.
When struck hard enough, this strike will send a shock wave up into the front of the brain causing disorientation. It will also cause great nausea.
ST 4: DICANG (Earth Granary)
Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below ST 3, in the orbicularis oris muscle and in its deep position, In the buccinator muscle.
Again, this strike will shock the whole system when struck hard enough. It will cause a KO when struck hard. However, this strike must be quite accurate.
ST 5: DAYYING (Big Welcome, or Big Meeting)
Anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the masseter muscle, in the groove like depression appearing when the cheek is bulged 0.5cun anterior to ST 6.
Any strike to this area of the jaw will cause a knock out, especially if the point is associated with the GB MO. Obvious jaw damage is also apparent. But it is the shock to the brain that jaw strikes cause that is the main area of damage. This is why the jaw is always a common target in the movies etc.
ST 9 is a great KO point. It sends a shock wave of Qi into the brain either causing dizziness in the least or KO in the most or broken jaw etc. The direction must be straight in from the side to have the greatest affect. This point also has a connection to ST 9 via ST 1 and ST 8. Meaning "Great Meeting" for that reason. So we can get a knock out from both sides, from the action upon the heart via the carotid sinus at ST 9, and from the brain receiving too much yang Qi. This point is called a 'big point' as it has abundant Qi and blood, hence the great amount of Qi going into the brain when struck.
It must also be mentioned that the stomach has Vagus nerve endings entering at the base of the stomach. A strike to ST 9 will also have an affect upon the Vagus nerve making this point one of the better KO points.
ST 6: JIACHE (Jaw Vehicle)
One finger breadth anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where the masseter attaches at the prominence of the muscle when the teeth aye clenched.
All strikes to the tip of the jaw are dangerous. Firstly a strike to ST 6 will cause an instant knock out, it is the classic knock out with people like John Wayne to Sean Connery making this strike famous. The reason it works so well is that this point is very close to the ‘mind point’ which will stop signals getting to the brain from the central nervous system. A strike here will also cause concussion by way of a shock to the brain causing KO, nausea and loss of memory.
A concussion is a violent jar or shock to the brain that causes an immediate change in the brain function, and can possibly include loss of consciousness. For a mild concussion, the signs and symptoms include temporary loss of consciousness; memory loss; and emotional instability. For a severe concussion, the signs and symptoms include prolonged unconsciousness; dilated pupils; change in breathing; disturbed vision and equilibrium; and memory loss. The extent of injury can only be determined by a physician. If the concussion is mild, the injured person may be sent home after examination, but only if a responsible person is present to stay with the injured person and watch for serious symptoms. Follow the doctor's instructions carefully if you are the responsible person, as there are several symptoms to watch for and report to the doctor if one or more after effects appear. The first 24 hours after the injury are critical, but serious after effects can appear later. The total extent of the injury may not be apparent for 48-72 hours. Complete recovery is likely with early diagnosis and treatment.
ST 7.: XIAGUAN (Lower Hinge)
In the depression at the lower border of the zygomatic arch, anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible, located with the mouth closed. Below this point is the parotid gland and the origin of the masseter muscle.
Again, this point is a Qi drainage point and will cause KO when struck with a smaller weapon such as a one-knuckle punch. A feeling down the front of the same side of the neck is felt, then a loss of power in the legs also. Ear problems are also apparent with this strike, and can last for years.
ST 8: TOUWEI (Head Support) (Head Safeguard)
location 0.5cun within the anterior hairline at the corner of the forehead. 4.5cun lateral to the GV MO. The point is found in the galea aponeurotica on the superior margin of the temporalis muscle.
This point will cause concussion with more nausea than any of the other head strikes due to its being a ST point. Great local pain is felt with a Qi drainage, then KO. Dead can occur if this strike is hard enough.
ST 9: RENYING (Man's Welcome)
Level with the t1p of the Adam’s apple, just on the course of the common carotid artery, on the anterior, border of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle In the platysma muscle. 1.5cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence at the meeting of the anterior margin of sternocieldomastoid and the thyroid cartilage.
ST 9 is one of the major Dim-Mak points. It is easy to get to, its effect is devastating raging from knock out for a light blow to death for a heavy blow.
St 9 is situated right over the carotid sinus. The carotid sinus is a baroreceptor, whose job it is to detect an increase in blood pressure. When it detects this increase, it sends s signal via the vagus nerve of which it is a part, to the vasomotor centre of the brain, which initiates a vasodilatation, and slowing of the heart rate to lower the blood pressure to normal.
VASODILATATION: A widening or distension of blood vessels, particularly, arterioles, usually caused by nerve impulses ( as in the case of a strike to ST 9) or certain drugs that relax smooth muscle in the walls of the blood vessel.
VASOMOTOR CENTRE: A collection of cell bodies in the medulla oblongata of the brain that regulates or modulates blood pressure and cardiac function primarily via the autonomic nervous system.
The carotid sinus is a pocket in the wall of the carotid artery at its division in the neck.
Carotid Sinus Reflex:
The martial artist is concerned with a phenomenon called the carotid sinus reflex, the decrease of the heart rate as a reflex reaction from pressure on or within the carotid artery at the level of its bifurcation. This reflex starts in the sinus of the internal carotid artery.
Carotid Sinus Syndrome: This is a temporary loss of consciousness or a knock out that sometimes accompanies convulsive seizures because of the power of the carotid sinus reflex when pressure builds up in one or both carotid sinuses. (Or from a strike). This syndrome can be caused to activate artificially by striking to the area of the carotid sinus, ST 9.
I have done extensive research on the carotid sinus, seeking out the most knowledgeable people in the world. I wanted to know exactly why a person would black out when even sometimes only stroked in this area. Other people have knocked themselves out when they have turned their head suddenly because of a hypersensitive carotid sinus. In striking to ST 9, we fool the brain into believing that deadly high blood pressure is present, and in many cases, high blood pressure is present when struck in this area because of the carotid artery being pinched.
Some people discovered that they could affect en easy knock out by striking to this part of the neck, however, none knew why the KO occurred. Nor did they know the dangers of such strikes, usually done to show what good martial artists they were, purely for ego. I wrote an article back in about 1987 showing the dangers of such strikes and exactly why the KO occurred, the first such article, I believe, that showed the medical implications of such a strike. It was my research in fact that introduced the martial arts community to the fact that this point was in fact ST 9. Nowadays, everyone uses the name of ST 9 to indicate the knock out strike to the neck. Since then, martial artists have been a little more careful when executing these knockouts. But the knockouts should never be done just to show off, they should only ever be used in a self-defence situation as the dangers are great. For instance, a recipient can die several years later from stroke by the internal wall of the carotid artery slowly disintegrating, hence the delayed death touch phenomenon. The martial artist is able to use a very normal and known about medical procedure for his or her advantage. Many doctors will perform the procedure of tweaking the carotid sinus using the fingertips in order to bring the blood pressure down. However, this procedure is only done if the patient is about to die from high blood pressure! It is a very dangerous procedure!
This point also has an affect upon emotional energy and in the end will cause the recipient to have a ‘detached’ feeling or floating, a disconnection between head and body.
It is a known medical fact, (Boigey, M. Lesions et Traumatismes Sportifs, Paris 1938) that striking ST 9 on the right side of the recipient will have a greater affect than on the left side. Medical science is unable to explain this but T.C.M. and Dim-Mak is able to. The right side of the body is considered to be Yang with respect to the left side which is relatively Yin. When striking to ST 9 point on the right side, we attack the Yang side after having set up the point with a Yin strike to PC 6. This, Yin strike has a far greater affect on the Yang side of the body because it is opposite.
First Observations Of A ST 9 Knock Out
(From "The Medical Aspects Of Boxing, 1941)
July 1940 there was an opportunity to observe for the first time a knock out caused by a strike to the right carotid sinus in a fencer. This case, which to our knowledge is the first observation of its kind, appears to be of great physiological interest. The padded tip of the blade first hit the victim beneath the right clavicle.
(…No particular points here but this is the area of ‘the power band’ which when struck takes all power from the upper body and is in keeping with the effects of these two strikes on the fencer. .. Erle).
The blade subsequently bent over and the tip slipped over the clavicle, and with a sharp impact, hit the right carotid sinus (St 9) from below. The victim immediately lost control over his movements. He stumbled backwards, his arms dropped, his knees bent and he hell to the ground unconscious. More than one second had elapsed between being struck and losing consciousness. He was weak for four hours afterwards after regaining consciousness some 3 minutes later!
Here we have the first observations by doctors of a ST 9 strike back in 1940! What happened to the recipient is in keeping with the ST 9 strike and most other people who receive such strikes either from irresponsible martial artists in seminar or accidentally in sports etc., all say much the same thing. Some people have more, or less affect due to the sensitiveness of their carotid sinus.
ST 10: SHUITU (Water Prominence)
At the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus, midway between ST 9 and ST 11.
This point had always stood in the shadow of ST 9. It is however, just as dangerous as ST 9 and when struck spot on the point, is considered by many doctors to be even more dangerous. A strike here causes an immediate rush of yang Qi to the head causing knock out, the face goes red and the tongue turns blue. A hard strike will cause knock out. Combine this strike with Neigwan and you have a most dangerous strike. This strike adds Qi to the head. The recipient will fall down a split second after the strike. There is also an immediate shock to the head area.
ST 11: QISHE (QI's Residence)
At the superior border of the sternal extremity of the clavicle, between the sternal head and the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoldeus muscle, directly below ST 9.
ST 11 is called the "heart starter" because it does just that is emergency situations. However, this point will change whatever state the patient is in before striking to this point. So if someone is awake as in an attacker, then this point will stop his heart beating. If his heart has stopped, a hard thumb pressure into the collar bone at this point will sometimes be enough to start the heart again. So a strike downward into ST 11 will stop the heart from beating, so it is not a point to be playing around with. Combine this strike with a clockwise strike to his left pectoral and a counter clockwise strike to his right pectoral at ST 15 and 16 points, and you have a very dangerous heart stopper.
ST 12: QUEPEN (Empty Basin)
In the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, 4 cun lateral to the CV MO or In the depression at the middle of the superior border of the clavicle and directly above the nipple.
This is an interesting point as it is used to take the will to fight away. Anyone who has been struck here will agree about this, you just cannot carry on fighting after this point has been struck as usually, the clavicle which is quite a weak bone, will break causing great local pain and energy drainage. It also has an affect upon the communication between yin and yang in the whole body and drains yang Qi as it is associated with GV 14, (meeting place of Yang).
It can be used with ST 11 to cause great Qi loss. It can be used in a grappling situation to stop the fight, or in an attacking situation where you have to block and re-attack etc.
ST 13: QIHU (Qi's Household)
At the middle of the inferior border of the clavicle, on the mamillary line (4 cun lateral to the CV MO).
Whereas ST 12 drains Qi, ST 13 adds Yang Qi to the head causing loss of balance to the falling down point. With most of the ST points, it will also cause great nausea. This is one of those points where the Qi is said to enter the meridian, so a strike here also unbalances the yin and yang energy in the whole body.
ST 14: KUFANG (Storehouse)
In the first intercostal space, on the mamillary line, 4 cun lateral to CV 20.
Immediately, the recipient feels a sickly feeling in the whole chest area, quickly growing to full nausea. The strike must be fairly hard to have an affect though.
ST 15: WUYI (Room screen)
In the 2nd intercostal space, on the mamillary line, 4 cun lateral to CV 19.
Stops the heart when used along with and at the same time struck as ST 16 which is just below it, so both points can be struck with the palm
ST 16: YINGGHUAN (Breast's Window)
In the 3rd intercostal space, on the mamillary line, 4cun lateral to CV 18.
Same as ST 15.
ST 17: RUZHONG (Middle of Breast)
In the middle of the nipple In the 4th intercostal space.
This point when struck has a devastating affect and will cause death when a medium to hard strike is used. In acupuncture, it is only ever given as a reference and not to be either needled or using moxa on it. The strike must be accurate to within a millimetre though. Immediately there is a sensation moving up the left side of the neck (if the left nipple is struck and visa-versa) and over the top of the back of the head to the other side of the forehead, followed by an extreme Qi drainage resulting in knockout and loss of memory. If the strike has been hard enough, it could also result in mental illness which gets worse with age. This is not a nice point, and should never be played around with!
ST 18: RUGEN (Breast Root)
In the 5th intercostal space, directly below the nipple.
I have read that this point is quite dangerous. However, it is my belief that those who say this are confusing this point with LIV 14. ST 18 must be struck quite hard to have any affect. Those affects are; headache, nausea and if struck on the left side a shock directly to the heart. If you combine this strike with LIV 14, which is easy as LIV 14 lies just lower than ST 18, then the affect is far greater in Qi drainage.
ST 19: BURONG (Uncontainable)
6 cun above the umbilicus, 2cun lateral to CV 14.
If ST 18 was not too exciting, then ST 19 is just the opposite. This strike attacks the seat of power as does CV 17, only this strike is even more damaging to the diaphragm as it strikes to the muscles that work the diaphragm causing the recipient to feel like they have no power at all and so fall down, hard enough and this strike will cause death from suffocation.