Pressure Points - Gall Bladder

GB 20: Fengchi (Pool Of Wind)
In the posterior aspect of the neck, below the occipital bone, in the depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle and the Trapezius muscle.
Again, the damage caused by striking this point in the correct direction is immense. We not only get the ‘electrical’ disruption, but also the physiological damage caused by its location at the base of the brain. Any strike upwards here will cause a KO with even a light to medium strike. Very hard strikes and brain damage will occur, even death.
GB 21: Jianjing (Shoulder Well)
Midway between GV 14 and the acromion of the shoulder, at the highest point of the shoulder.
This point is also a dim-mak healing point in that it is used to heal a strike in an upward direction to GB 14. It drains Qi (energy) from the head and so alleviating the problem caused by the strike. Sunstroke is also an indication of too much yang Qi in the head. So we also know how to heal this condition by medium strike down onto GB 21, then a violent swipe out over the shoulders.
However, if too much pressure is used on someone who does not have the condition of too much yang energy in the head, then we will drain too much Qi from the head causing light headedness in the least and a KO in the most, although it has to be struck fairly hard. The medium result of this strike is for the recipient to drop straight down onto the ground. GB 21 is also associated to the ‘accessory never’ which runs down the back of the side of the neck. This nerve is also prominent in causing knock outs from a neurological shut down strike at the back of the neck.
GB 22: Yuanye (Gulf’s Fluids)
On the mid-axillary line, 3 cun below the axilla and in the 5th intercostal space.
This is a particularly sensitive area as there are lymph nodes in this area. It is an extreme Qi drainage point so the recipient cannot carry on after being struck even lightly in this point. If death is not instant, it will occur some time later. Causes the heart to falter or stop instantly.
GB 23: Zhejin (Flanks Sinews)
1 cun anterior to GB 22, approximately level with the nipple on a male in the 4th intercostal space.
Drains Qi from the body, even a medium power strike is enough to cause the attacker not to be able to continue. This point when struck with GB 22 is disastrous.
GB 24: Riyue (Sun Moon)
Inferior to the nipple, between the cartilage of the 7th and 8th ribs, one rib below LIV 14.
This point is a death point or will cause a KO if only struck medium.
GB 25: Jingmen (Door Of The Capital)
Located on the lateral sides of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end of the twelfth rib.
As this is a ‘mu’ point for the kidneys any strike here will affect the kidneys. This point in particular will cause great kidney damage when struck from the side, more-so than when the kidneys are struck from the lower back area. (Traditional kidney strike). From the side, the strike sets up a shock wave which damages the kidneys. Struck hard, will cause death through kidney failure, light to moderate strikes will cause bleeding from the penis and great pain in the kidney area. It is difficult to get an electrical reaction from this point.
GB 26: Daimai (Girdle Vessel)
Directly below the free end of the eleventh rib, where LIV 13 is located, level with the umbilicus. The point lies in the external oblique muscle & the internal oblique & transverse abdominal muscles.
Draw a line across from the navel and where you touch the ribs, that’s the point.
Causes the whole central torso to be shocked with pain in the gall bladder area, hard enough will cause death. This strike will cause the heart to stop.
GB 27: Wushu (Five Pivots)
In the lateral sides of the abdomen, in front of the anterior super iliac spine, 3 cun below the level of the umbilicus approximately level with CV 4. In the external &internal oblique muscles and the transverse abdominal muscle.
Knock out or damage to the kidneys. Hospitalisation if strike is hard.
GB 28: Weidao (Meeting Path) Anterior and inferior to the anterior Iliac spine, 0.5 cun anterior and inferior to
GB 28 has a greater physical effect upon the bladder which can burst when struck in the correct direction.
GB 29: Juliao (Bone of Lodging)
Midway between the Anterosuperior iliac spine and the great Trochanter. Locate the point with the patient lying on her side. At the anterior margin of the tensor facia lata, and in its deep position in the Vaqstus lateralis muscle
A strike to this point only, will cause the upper right side of the body to become paralysed. This will also cause a KO. When combined with strike to GB 12 will cause spasm in the whole upper body.
GB 30: Huantiao (Jumping Circle)
At the junction of the midral thirds of the distance between the Great Trochanter & the Hiatus of the Sacrum (GV 2). When locating this point the patient is on their side with their leg flexed. The point is in the Gluteus Maximus and inferior margin of the Piriformus muscle.
This will cause a KO and leg damage with nausea and perhaps bladder problems, even years after the strike.
GB 31: Fengshi (City Of Wind)
On the mid-line of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease When the patient is standing erect with hands by their sides, the point is located where the tip of the middle finger touches the leg. Beneath the Tensor faciae latae, in the vastus lateralus muscle.
This strike causes a ‘dead leg’ where the leg becomes paralysed. It can cause a KO as well as affecting the heart by slowing it down or stopping it. In order to affect the heart though, the strike must be accurate using a small weapon such as the ball of the foot or a big toe.
GB 32: Femur Zhong (Middle Ditch)
In the lateral aspect of the thigh, 5 cun above the transverse popliteal crease, between the muscle vastus laterals. 2 cun below GB 31.
Causes KO, or takes out the knee on that side. Nausea and heart is affected.
GB 33: Xiyangguan (Yang Hinge/Gate)
When the knee is flexed, the point is 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the knee joint in the depression between the tendons of muscles Biceps Femoris & the Femur. In the hollow above the lateral condyle of the femur, at the posterior aspect of the Iliotibial band and the anterior aspect of biceps femoris tendon
Knock out, great tendon damage around the knee, the tendons could be completely torn away from the bone. This is the ideal strike to the leg as the tendons holding the lower leg on, are torn and the recipient cannot carry on with no leg support. This strike will drain Qi greatly.
GB 34: Yanglingguan (Fountain Of The Yang Mound)In the depression anterior & inferior to the head of the fibula when the leg is flexed. Anterior to the capitulum of the fibula. between peroneus, longis & extensor digitorum longus pedis muscle.
Aggravates the liver greatly causing hospitalisation. KO and destroys the leg.
GB 35: Yangjiao (Yang's Intersection)
Seven cun above the lateral malleolus, on the poster border of the fibula, within the distance between the tip of the lateral malleolus and GB 34, level with GB 36 and BL 58. In the lateral aspect of the leg, the distance between the tip of the lateral malleolus and the mid point of the knee is seen as 16 cun.
Knock out when struck right on the point with a small weapon. Obvious leg damage. This is a particularly nasty strike as it causes damage later in life due to the slow damage caused to the point. All "Xie cleft" points react in this way. Extreme local pain which can cause the nervous system to shutdown for a period until the brain works out what is wrong. So this strike can also be used as a neurological shutdown point strike. (Those points or groups of points which when struck all by themselves, causing the whole nervous system to shut down, causing the body to drop.
GB 36: Waiqiu (Outer Mould/External Region)
Seven cun above the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibular, or midway between GB 34 & the lateral malleolus, in front of GB 35 and level to it at the anterior border of the fibula.
This is also a "Xie cleft" point so it has much the same damage as GB 35.
GB 37: Guangming (Bright Light)
Five cun directly above the tip of the external malleus, an the anterior border of the fibula. Between the extensor digitorum longus pedis and peroneus brevis muscles.
When struck with a larger weapon such as the instep kick, this will cause KO is struck very hard, and also physical damage to the shin area. Local pain is felt greatly when struck right on the point as well as liver and gall bladder damage. This point is also poignant to eye damage or healing depending upon how it is used. It will cause severe eye damage slowly over several years. A quick sharp strike using a small weapon will cause momentary blindness.
GB 38: Yangfu (Yang's Help) Fire & Jing Point.
Four cun above and slightly anterior to the tip of the External malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula & the tendons of peroneus longus & brevis.
Knock out, when struck in the correct direction. Leg damage, can break the shin. A good strike here can cause headaches for weeks.
GB 39: Xuanzhang or Juegu (Suspended Bell)
3 cun above the tip of the Lateral malleus, In the depression between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of peroneus lonaus & brevis. Just above the ankle on the outside of the leg. This is the last GB point above the ankle.
This is an interesting point all by itself. It causes great damage to the brain. At a lesser level, it can simply make the recipient feel totally disorientated and at a larger level, will cause mental problems later and immediately.
A strike here, will cause energy to be drained from the whole leg area immediately, and a few minutes later, the whole body will be drained causing KO or death. So do not play around with this point!