Pressure Points - Gall Bladder

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
GB 1 (Gall Bladder Point No. 1: Tonqziliao, or Bone Of The Eye.
.5 cun lateral to the outer edge of the canthus of the eye. The point is in the orbicularis muscle. The nerves in the region include the zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal and the temporal and frontal branches or the facial nerve.
Struck on its own, this point will give extreme nausea, loss of memory, possible death. It is very dangerous, even with light strikes. Depending upon the strike used, you can of course give damage to the eyes as well.
GB 2: Tinghui, or Confluence of Hearing.
In front of the intertragic notch, directly below "Tinggong" (SI 19, see diagram at and of SI chapter), at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible. Locate the point with the mouth open. (Diagram 1, end of this chapter).
Struck on its own, this point will give extreme nausea and dizziness. Death will occur only if the point is struck hard.
GB 3: Shangquan (Guests & Hosts)
This is the temple point. On the superior border of the zygomatic arch, in the depression which can be felt in the bone. Anatomical: The zygomatic branch of the facial nerve and the zygomaticofacial nerve, the zygomaticoorbital artery and vein.
Being the temple, this is an extremely sensitive area and will cause death when struck hard and will knock out when struck lightly or medium.
GB 4: Han Yan (Satisfying Jaw)
Within the hairline of the temporal region, ¼ of the distance from ST 8 to GB 7. Or one cun below ST 8. Movement can be felt at this point when chewing.
This point, because of its location will cause death at the most and extreme dizziness in the least causing the recipient to fall down through the dizziness.
GB 5: Xuanlu: (Suspended Head)
In the middle of the curve between ST 8 and GB 7.
This point does much the same as for GB 4, however, it is a little more effective in causing dizziness and death depending upon how hard it is struck. If GB 4, 5, 6 & 7 are struck simultaneously, it is a devastating strike.
GB 6: Xuanli (Suspended Balance)
On the hairline between GB 5 and GB 7.
This point is getting close to a point just above the ear which will cause a ‘delayed death strike’. Delayed death strikes have been talked about in a mystical sense for years. However, most of these strikes are scientifically proven as is the case with the strike to GB 6 and other points in this region of the head. There is a small artery called the "Middle Meningeal artery" on the side of the head around this area, about ¾ of an inch above the ear, which when struck will burst causing blood to seep into the brain. It takes around 3 days to fill the brain sufficiently to cause death. If this artery has been broken, it is diagnosed by looking at the pupils, if they change in size. This area of the head also houses much important brain stuff, so a strike to this area is not only an electrical strike, thus affecting the Qi system of the body, but also an excellent physiological strike.
GB 7: Qubin (Crook Of The Temple)
On the hairline in front of the ear apex, one finger width anterior to TH 20.
Again, because of the location of this point, a delayed death strike may occur even with a medium powered blow. Because of its connection to the Small Intestine, a knock out will probably occur because of the action upon the heart through the small intestine connection. This point is an extremely dangerous point because of its location at the base of the brain. Other points will also be struck, such as GB 4, 5 and 6. So the damage will be made greater when these points are also struck at the same time using the palm strike.
GB 8: Shuaigu (Leading To Valley)
Superior to the apex of the auricle, 1.5 cun within the hairline. Or 1.5 cun above TH 20 which is on the head where the ear apex would touch if pressed inwards.
Knock out will occur with relatively lighter strikes, medium strikes will cause a loss of the sense of being. Person doesn’t know where they are or even who they are etc. Death will occur when struck really hard. This point is also a delayed death strike being in close proximity to the small artery (middle meningeal artery) mentioned earlier.
GB 9: Tianchong (Heavenly Assault)
.5 cun posterior to GB 8, 2 cun within the hairline.
Instant knock out because of the location of the point, death could occur if struck hard enough. This is an energy drainage point.
GB 10: Fubai (Floating White)
Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, in the middle of the curved line drawn from GB 9 to GB 11. Or an easier way to find it, is on a horizontal line drawn at the level of the eyes that runs towards the back of the head. The point is behind the ear on the squamosal suture which is the joint between the parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull.
Shocks the brain and affects the motor nervous system. Struck hard enough will cause death in the most and KO in the least.
GB 11: Qiaoyin (Cavity Of Yin)
Midpoint on a line connecting GB 10 and GB 12. It is found in a small hollow behind the ear.
The damage is the same as for GB 10 as it is in the same area of the head.
GB 12: Head Wangu (Finished Bone)
In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, 0.7 cun below GB 11 and level with GV 16.
At the least a KO, at the most death. In between these two extremes, you can cause headaches for days after the strike. It takes the Qi away (drains) from the upper body with even a light blow lasting painfully for days and the recipient lacks energy for days. When struck upwards into the head, this is one of the more dangerous points to strike because of its anatomical location.
GB 13: Benshen (Head Above The Tears)
.5 cun inside the hairline and .5 cun medial to ST 8, directly above the outer canthus of the eye. If you drew a line along GB 7,6,5 &4 then went another inch up towards the head, this is close to GB13.
GB 13 is part of what is called the triangle strike. Ie., we not only strike to GB 13, but also hit at the same time, GB 14 and 15. The combination of the Colon strike with the three Gall Bladder strikes causes what is known as adverse cyclic Qi disruption. This sends ‘adverse’ Qi (that which causes the body to disintegrate rather than to build), into the head and brain, which will cause not only immediate brain dysfunction, but also delayed dysfunction that could last for years if death is not immediate.
GB 14: Yangbai (Yang White)
1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow on a line directly above the pupil of the eye in the depression on the superciliary arch.
If this point is struck straight in, it will cause physical damage to the neck. Struck upwards, brings too much Yang energy into the head and causes a sort of state like sunstroke, nausea, black out and even death. When struck downwards causes KO by draining energy from the head. This point is also right over the part of the brain that makes us different to animals. So a strike to this area will also affect the way we think, work, move etc.
GB 15: Head Lingi (Base Of God)
.5 cun inside the hairline and directly above the pupil when looking ahead
Causes the head to feel as if it is swelling up, or being pumped up like a balloon. Causes the recipient to not know where they are for a second or two if struck mildly, or KO if struck heavily. Of course any head point will kill if an external weapon is used.
GB 16: Muchuang (Window Of The Eyes)
1 cun posterior to GB 15 in straight line with GB 14 and 15.
This point is particularly nasty because of its location to the brain. When struck, the recipient feels immediate local pain because it is also an ‘electrical point’. Ie., all dim-mak points are ‘electrical points’ whereby they cause some damage to the energy system of the body. Some points however, are located over or very near to physiological areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to being struck, like the brain. The strike is done straight down into the brain and because of its location, very close to the Frontal Coronal, the sutures formed by the knitting together of the skull plates from birth. So this can cause a broken skull! This is also the area just above the ‘hypothalamus’ where among other important things, the reflexes are developed. It is also right over where ‘pre-motor decisions are made, like "I am now going to pick up this cup". So strikes to this area will affect the reflexes and coordination and also the ability simply to make decisions.
This part of the cerebrum is also in charge of body movement. So a strike anywhere here impairs body movement.
GB 17: Zhengyin (Principle Yin)
Keep going backwards in a line parallel with the skull 1 cun back from GB 15.
Much to same damage as for GB 16 because of its location to the brain parts. This point has a slightly better effect upon the reflexes, as it is closer to the part of the cerebrum that controls movement. So motor actions are damaged. Also causes local pain through the electrical part of this strike. Knock out as well as death for a very hard strike.
GB 18: Chengling (Support The Spirit)
1.5 cun posterior to GB 17 on the line connecting GB 15 and GB 20. Approximately 5 cun posterior to the hairline of the forehead. Or approximately 1 cun posterior and 1.2 cun lateral to GV 20.
Even a light blow here can cause a KO. A strike to this point scatters the Qi of the upper body, causes nausea and affects the way the tantien distributes the Qi. Because of the location over the side of the brain, this point strike will cause considerable brain dysfunction when struck hard enough.
GB 19: Naokong (Brain Cavity)
Directly above GB 20 level with GV 17 on the lateral side of the external occipital protuberance. Or look at the back of the head just above the neck. The bit that sticks out the most, saying "hit me hit me" is GB 19.
The damage is immense to this point. The whole brain is shocked causing KO even with lighter strikes. This point needs no other set up point, but sometimes works well with a slice down the arm first. Many people have been able to cause a KO on students using this point. However, only irresponsible instructors would use this point to ‘show off’ as it is so easy to KO but causes considerable damage long after the strike has been made.