Pressure Points - Bladder

BL 40: WEIZHONG (Commanding Middle)
Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, in the fascia of the popliteal fossa between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinous. Locate the POINT in the prone position with the knee flexed.
This point is the earth point and also a ‘He’ point, (gathering together). A strike here will cause spasm in the tendons of the whole body if struck hard enough, or local spasm if light. At some later stage, nervous disorders will become apparent. Excessive yang energy will also cause heating problems within the body. A knock out has been known to occur when this point is struck. It is not a point to play around with just to see what happens! An immediate rush of energy to the head is felt and blackout could occur.
BL 41: FUFEN (Appended Part)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra. This is about 4 finger breadths (of patient) lateral to the mid-line of the spine.
This point is opposite BL 12, so you could easily strike both BL 12 and BL 41. This point, along with BL 42 and 43, is right over what is known as the "Power Band". This is the area of the back which when struck, damages the structure of the whole upper body. A strike here will seriously drain Qi from the body causing the recipient to fall down. Great local pain is also felt as this is an ‘electrical point’.
BL 42: POHU (Soul's Household)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
This point does the same damage as BL 41. However, more lung damage is done, thus draining more Qi from the upper body. This point is also closer to where the heart lies under, so a sudden strike will also send a shock wave into the heart thus causing it to stop either momentarily or forever!
BL 43: GAOHUANGSHU (Vital's Hollow)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra. At the end of the medial border of the spine of the scapula, in the trapezium and rhomboid muscles, in the deep position the iliocostalis muscle.
This is the shu point of the ‘vital centre’. (That area just below the heart). A strike here will cause great weakness because it also affects the Lung Qi, draining it. The whole Qi system is slowed down, ie., the production of Qi is slowed, thus causing the great weakness. The recipient will fall down from instant weakness.
BL 45: YIXI (Surprise)
3cun lateral to the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra.
Again, this is a weakening point and if used in conjunction with LU 5 or LU 8 and HT 5 will cause great weakness from Qi drainage.
BL 46: GEGUAN (Diaphragm's Hinge)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the 7th thoracic vertebra, approximately at the level of the inferior angle of the scapula.
Great damage is done to the structure of the upper body causing him not to continue the fight. This strike will also affect the heart and lungs bringing great Qi drainage. Physically, you can also damage the muscular system around this area causing chronic instant spasm, causing him to drop quickly. The Qi drainage is also caused because the diaphragm is attacked and the diaphragm is the ‘seat of power’.
BL 47: HUNMEN (Soul's Door)
3cun lateral to lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra.
Great lung damage is done here. The affect will be immediate in that he falls down. However, there are long lasting affects with this strike so be WARNED! The recipient could have long lasting lung deficiency later into life. Things like asthma, chronic bronchitis could occur etc. And severe emotional problems will also be inherent with this strike.
This point, again has a dire affect on the ‘spirit’ or soul of the recipient. It will also cause long lasting emotional and social behavioural problems because of a lack of spirit. It is said of this point, that the spirit is locked out and cannot return. So when the ‘spirit’ easily roams while the human body sleeps, it cannot get back in when the human body awakens after a strike to BL 47.
BL 48: YANGGANG (Yang's Parameter)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra.
Obstruction of the ‘yang’ Qi is the effect of a strike here, causing the recipient to fall down and have long lasting emotional problems, usually seen in the form of being totally withdrawn. The immediate effect is that the lungs are damaged and he cannot breathe!
BL 49: YISHE (Will's Residence)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra.
This strike has the same affect as BL 48 affecting the lungs. It also has an immediate affect upon the mind, causing the mind to become confused and not be able to carry through with ideas that pop up. So, in a martial sense, he might think to strike you, but is unable to formulate the necessary body movements to do so.
BL 50: WEICANG (Stomach’s Storehouse)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra.
This point attacks the stomach physically and Qi wise. Immediately, the recipient feels a ‘swelling’ in the head caused by Yang energy rushing upwards. Local pain which will go away only to return some minutes later as extreme pain across the lower back. This strike affects the ‘earth’ and so he loses his grounding and will easily be knocked over.
BL 51: HUANGMEN (Vitals' Door)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.
A little lower than BL 50, this point attacks what is called the ‘vital centres’. If it is used in conjunction with BL 22 will stop the heart.
BL 52: ZHISHI (Will's Dwelling)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. In the latissimus dosi and iliocostalis muscles.
This strike is an interesting one as it has physical damage as well as spiritual damage. The physical damage is also interesting. When his right BL 52 is struck, it will cause his left leg to be instantly weakened. Even a light to medium strike here will cause the leg to falter for a moment enabling you to get in quickly for a more devastating shot. When his left BL 52 is struck it will damage his right leg. This is also the point for damaging the will. Where St 12 is the point for damaging his will to fight, this point damages the will to do anything.
BL 53: BAOHUANG (Placenta and Vitals)
3cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertebra, level with BL 32.
This point does much the same damage as BL 28.
BL 54: ZHIBIAN (Order's Edge)
Directly below BL 53, 3cun lateral to the spinous process of the 4th sacral vertebra. In the gluteus maximus muscle and the inferior margin of the piriformis muscle
If you are able to strike to BL 54, 30 & 34, there will be a great Qi drainage causing the recipient to fall down. This is a three point strike to caution should be taken and this method should not be played around with!
BL 55: HEYANG (Confluence of Yang)
2cun directly below BL 40, between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius, on the line that joins BL 40, to BL 57.
This is one of those points that doesn’t look like it would do much damage. However, the damage is great. It can cause in the immediate, leg damage from muscle spasm in the whole lower leg. It will also cause a yang energy surge to the brain thus causing black out.
L 56: CHENGJIN (Support Sinews)
In the centre of the belly of the gastrocnemius, midway between BL 55 and BL 57.
The gastrocnemius muscle consists of a lateral head, a medial head, and their single tendon of insertion. Each head is a thick muscular column, separated from the other by the back of the knee. As they descend, they come together. The medial head is larger and wraps around the leg more towards the front than does the lateral head. The muscular heads end at or slightly above the middle of the leg, where they attach to their tendon. The tendon descends and fuses with the tendon of the soleus, which lies just beneath it, forming the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius muscle raises the heel, which lifts the body. It also assists, though minimally, in flexing the knee joint.
As with all of the points on the calf, this point creates a shock to the whole system, thus making it good for getting out of holds as in a grappling situation etc. It can be struck with a toe kick straight in to cause great leg damage especially to the muscles of the lower leg.
BL 57: CHENGSHAN (Support Mountain)
If patient lies prone, this point can be found by stretching the foot as if standing on tip-toe. This reveals a triangular shaped hollow in the middle of the calf, about midway between the Point BL 40 and the heel. The point is at the top of this triangle, at the lower border of the separation of the 2 bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle.
This point when struck causes the whole leg to give way under the pressure of the body. It is a great point for when in a grappling situation causing immediate pain with an ‘unknown factor’. Ie., the brain senses that something bad is happening but cannot quite work out what. So mixed signals go to the brain causing the recipient to have to let go etc. A good kick here will cause great lower leg damage and the loss of that leg in the immediate. It can also cause anus problems later in life, causing the anus sphincter to become weakened.
BL 58: FEIYANG (Soaring Flying High)
7cun directly above BL 60, on the posterior border of the fibula, approximately l cun inferior and lateral to BL 57. In the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.
This point is known as ‘the shock point’ in dim-mak terms. A quick violent grab or strike here and the recipient is shocked for a few moments while you have time to attack elsewhere. Great for grappling or for striking. You must however, be fairly accurate. The leg will not work after a strike here. The whole balance of yin and yang Qi is upset with this strike, it can even cause insanity, temporary or permanent when struck hard enough.
BL 59: FUYANG (Tarsal Yang)
3cun directly above BL 60, on the lateral aspect of the gastrocnemius muscle.
This is an accumulation point (Xie Cleft). It has an affect upon the head and will cause headaches, eye damage and a fullness of the head causing black out if struck hard, apart from immediate physical damage to the lower leg causing the fight to be finished.
BL 60: KUNLUN (Kunlun Mountains)
In the depression midway between the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon, in the peroneus brevis muscle.
This point is interesting as it has an effect upon the ‘power band between the shoulder blades. A strike here will cause nervous disorders and an immediate weakening of the upper body. The arms just don’t do what you want them to do. This is a ‘fire and jing’ point so traditionally it will help balance out fire and water in the body. However, when struck using negative Qi, this point will cause an imbalance in the whole body. Extreme local pain followed by an energy drainage causing the recipient not to be able to carry on with the fight.