Pressure Points - Bladder

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
BL 1: JINGMING (Eyes Bright)
0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus, in the medial palpebral ligament and in it's deep position in the rectus medialis bulbi. Outside corner of the eye.
This point is particularly nasty. Its immediate effect for even a light strike is nausea, then a rapid energy loss, possible loss of sight. Because of its connections to many other meridians, internal Qi damage is also done to those associated organs. Struck hard, will cause the Qi to stop flowing causing death.
Because this point stimulates the "wei Qi" (that which protects us externally from internal attack by disease etc.,) a strike here will cause the immune system to pack it in, thus causing damage later by disease attack. The whole energy system is put out of balance.
BL 2: ZANZHU (Gathered Bamboo / Drilling Bamboo)
In the Supraorbital notch at the medial end of the eyebrow, in the frontalis & corrugator supercillii muscles.
Again, this point is extremely dangerous as it is an extreme Qi drainage point. Not only physical damage to the eye area but also great Qi damage will result. A light strike here will cause headaches for months. When struck in an upward way, the head feels like it is exploding, knock out of even death when struck hard. Nausea.
BL3: MEICHONG (Eyebrow’s Pouring)
Directly above the medial end of the eyebrow, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, between GV 24, and BL4.
This strike shocks the brain causing a knock out or a broken neck if the strike is hard enough. It is also an energy drainage point. The area of the brain where this point is over is the cerebrum which pretty well controls all of the conscious physical functions of the body, so a strike here would cause the body to be out of control.
The area is right over the front part of the Cerebrum:
BL 4: QUCHAI (Discrepancy)
1.5cun lateral to GV 24, at the junction of the medial third and the lateral two thirds of the distance between GV 24 and ST 8, within the natural hairline.
This point will also shock the brain causing it not to know what is happening so it shuts the body down. You could easily strike to BL 4 and BL 3 with the same strike. The blow has to be substantial as this part of the skull is well protected. Physical neck damage will also occur.
BL 5: WUCHU (Five Places)
1.5cun lateral to GV 23, directly above BL 4, 1 cun within the natural hairline.
The distance from the midpoint of the anterior hairline to the midpoint of the posterior hairline is measured as 12cun. If the anterior hairline is indistinguishable, it may be measured from the glabella (the extra point YINTANG) by adding another 3cun.
A little further back than BL 4 so this strike needs less force. Local pain is felt, followed by a Qi drainage that moves down the body, causing nausea when it reaches the stomach. KO if struck hard enough.
BL 6: CHENGGUANG (Support Light)
1.5cun posterior to BL 5, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO, 2.5cun above the natural hairline.
This point is the one you bang when you are under the house fixing something and get up suddenly. The pain and Qi drainage is great. You just have to sit down until the body’s Qi comes back to normal and the pain subsides. BL 6 is right over the frontal fontanel, so it will also cause damage to the skull structure causing great pain and Qi drainage.
BL 7: TONGTIAN (Reaching Heaven /Penetrating Heaven)
Draw a line approximately from the rear of the ear up to 1.5 cun from the middle line of the skull. Or 1.5 cun posterior to BL 6. 1.5cun posterior to BL 6, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO. 4cun with the hair line. The point is in the Galea aponeurotica, 1 cun anterior to GV 20.
This point when struck literally knocks you senseless. If only a medium strike, the brain is knocked into a state of confusion for a moment. Any harder and this confusion and senselessness lasts longer. So it can be used as a point strike by itself or as set up point for a more potent strike.
BL 8: LUOQUE (Decline)
On the top of the head, 1.5cun posterior to BL 7, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO, 5.5cun with in the hairline.
Great local pain with a Qi drainage down the side of the body where the strike was. Hard enough will cause KO. Nausea in the least.
BL 9: YUZHEN (Jade Pillow)
1.3cun lateral to GV 17, on the lateral side of the superior border of the external occipital protuberance.
At a physical level, this point works much the same as GB 19 in that it shocks the brain causing knock out. The electrical damage is slightly different in that an accurate strike here using a smaller weapon will cause great Qi drainage from the upper chest area causing nausea in the least and heart failure in the most.
BL 10: TIANZHU (Heavenly Pillar)
1.3cun lateral to GV 15, within the posterior hairline on the lateral side of the trapezium in the origin of the trapezium and in its deep position in the semispinalis capitis muscle.
Warning! Do not play around with this point!
A most dangerous point. When we view the old James Bond movies, he always uses the chop to the back of the neck, because the director of those films knew that this point works. It will cause a knock out in the least. A "disconnected" feeling will also be felt because of a build up of yang Qi in the head blocking emotional energy. The recipient will also feel like there is no air getting from the lungs to the rest of the body. Use this point with ST 9 and CV 17 and you have a very dangerous cocktail. Death will occur instantly when these three points are struck. BL 10 will cause death all by itself however. The three points together stop the Qi from flowing.
BL 10 is just below the Medulla Oblongata:
The Medulla Oblongata is the lowest part of the brain stem. It is about two centimetres long. The nerve fibres cross here, causing one side of the brain to receive information from the opposite side of the body. This is the control centre for many vital bodily functions.
Because of the location of BL 10 near the Medulla Oblongata, this could explain why this strike affects the breathing so much.
BL 11: (DASHU)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border (Big Shuttle) of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, about 2 finger breadths from the GV MO. Superficially this point is located in the Trapezius, Rhomboid, poster superior Sorratus muscles, and in its deep position in the Longissimus muscle.
Again, this is a deadly point, so do not play around with it! This point affects the bones and therefore also the kidneys. So it can be used as a set up point for a bone strike. (Arm break, or leg break etc.). Immediate nausea caused from the action on the kidneys. Qi drainage. Used in conjunction with ST 37 and ST 39, death occurs. And at some later stage, blood disorders can occur, like leukaemia.
However, at this point, there is also a more bizarre effect. The recipient is ‘cut off’ from the ‘Shen’. (Spirit). It is said in some older texts that the "Shen" is damaged, but it is my belief that the Shen (God part of the human being), cannot be damaged. My main teacher Chang Yiu-chun when talking about this point simply said. "No God". So it is my view that we stop communication with the spirit by striking to this point, causing the recipient to go into immediate decline as far as being a human being is concerned.
BL 12: FENGMEN (Winds Door)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra. In the Trapezius, Rhomboid & posterior superior Serratus, & in the deep position the Longissimus Innervation: Superficially, the medial cutaneous branches of the posterior rami of the 2nd & 3rd Thoracic nerves, deeper, their lateral cutaneous branches.
Again, this point causes great damage both physically and mentally and Qi wise. The Qi circulation is immediately impaired and can take some time to re-adjust. A strike here opens up the spine to external attack. The Chinese say that the spine is attacked by ‘wind’. Again, this point will have an affect upon one’s communication with the "Shen". The recipient will, in the end, get colds easier and not be able to shake them off. Socially, he or she will change emotionally over a number of years. I know of people who have received strikes to this area from car accidents, and have changed dramatically in personality over several years, so much so that they are just not the same person.
BL 13: FEISHU (Lungs Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
This is a "shu" point which means; "an associated affect point on the bladder meridian. This point is directly related to the lungs and therefore will cause the lungs to be damaged. The lungs are part of the ‘power’ system of the body and so power is greatly reduced with this strike. The recipient feels like they have had the proverbial ‘kick in the guts’, gasping for air and buckling over. The kidneys are also affected as is the flow of Qi and especially the ‘wei Qi’ that which protects us from external pathogenic attack. So a strike here could cause the recipient to get diseases easily.
BL 14: JUEYINSHU (Absolute Yin Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra. In the Trapezius and Rhomboid muscles and deeper, in the Longissimus muscle.
This point has a direct relationship with the pericardium meridian. A strike here will cause the heart to be affected in the instant term as well as in the long term because it affects the way that the pericardium protects the heart from perverse Qi. This point also has an affect upon the relationship of the mind to the "shen" or spirit, and depending upon how hard it is struck will upset the "humanity" of the recipient. It will also affect the "Kidney Jing". Anyone who has perhaps diabetes or some other disease that affects the kidneys, knows what a damaging affect weak kidneys have on the body. In many ways, we can still perform with other organs not at peak condition, but with weak kidneys, your power is shot. And a strike to this point has an instant affect upon the overall power of the body by weakening Kidney Jing.
BL 15: XINSHU (Heart's Hollow)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower end of the 5th thoracic vertebra. In the Trapezius and Rhomboid muscles & deeper, in the Longissimus muscle.
The heart is damaged with this strike. The immediate damage is heart failure. It will also have an affect upon the "shen" as the spirit is housed in the heart. So it will affect social and emotional behaviour and the ‘humanity’ of the recipient where the "shen" is no longer in control. The ‘seat of power’, the lungs and diaphragm will also be damaged thus immediately also causing the affect of the old kick in the guts. Combine this point with any of the other back bladder points and you have a really dangerous combination..
BL 16: DASHU (Governing Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra. In the trapezium, latissimus dosi & Longissimus muscles.
Again, the communication with "the Shen" is affected by the action upon the Governing Vessel. This pathway, the "upper heavenly circulation" comprising of the GV and CV meridians, plays an important role in the body’s ability to communicate with the ‘shen’. So a strike here will not only cause Qi drainage from the lungs, but also affect the way the recipient perceives himself, emotional behaviour and social behaviour. The affects of this strike are not immediate unless the strike has been very hard. But the Qi drainage will occur some time later causing the recipient to feel very weak. So be warned! If this strike is done in the afternoon or early evening, it could cause death if the Qi drainage occurs after midnight.
BL 17: GESHU (Diaphragm’s Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra. At the inferior margin of the trapezium, and in the latissimus dosi & Longissimus muscles.
The damage here is great in that it will affect the power of the body. Immediate loss of power is felt in the legs especially, then rising up into the arms. This is in the case of a downward strike. Should the strike be upwards, then the person will have trouble eating and swallowing.
BL 18: GANSHU (Liver's Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra. In the latissimus dosi muscle, and between the Longissimus & iliocostalis muscles.
Striking to this point with a smaller weapon such as a one knuckle punch will allow ‘wood to invade earth’. (The exact opposite of what healing does at this point). This will cause great nausea at the stomach and intestine area. This strike can also cause momentary or permanent blindness due to the action upon the liver as BL 18 is a ‘Liver Shu Point’. It also affects the Gall bladder. Immediate knock out with this strike as the brain thinks that the liver and gall bladder have been damaged greatly, and so shuts the system down while it works out what is wrong.
BL 19: DANSHU (Gall Bladder's Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra. In the latissimus dosi muscle, between the ilocostalis & Longissimus muscles.
This point works in much the same way that BL 17 does. Only this point has a greater affect upon the digestive system and so greater nausea is felt. Should you wish to stop the fight instantly, then this point will work, causing not so much real damage with a light to medium strike. The nausea that is caused is enough to stop the fight. Combine it with GB 25 or LIV 14 and the recipient is in real trouble! This point has been known to also result in spasm in the middle of the back causing the attacker not to be able to continue the confrontation, he is doubled up in pain.