Preparing the body for test/grading or competition


MT Mentor
Let's say you have a week before the belt test/grading or competition. What do you do during the week to make sure you are physically ready? What food do you eat (do you change what you eat or focus on certain types of food/drinks?), activities you do (# of hours of sleep a night, etc.), and anything else you might do to enhance your preparation?

Thanks in advance.

- Ceicei
For me, if it's for a competition, I will work on my form (which ever one I have decided to do) over and over. I will practice my breaks on a target. And I usually eat a healthy vitamin filled meal the night before. And get my stuff ready the night before, so I don't run around the house the morning of like a mad maniac looking for stuff.

For tests, I will take about three weeks to prepare. It's basically the same as above. But this time, it will be three months to prepare (BB test in Dec). I have to get my lazy butt running LOL.

For the day of (for both), I will take power bars and gatoraid to drink. Then if I do good, I go home and eat a big meal and drink a cold one to celebrate ;)
Ceicei said:
Let's say you have a week before the belt test/grading or competition.

What do you do during the week to make sure you are physically ready?

I'd really limit my physical activities so as to not over-work myself or risk a potential injury. I would most likely run thru some of the required material, but I'm not going to overexert myself doing it.

What food do you eat (do you change what you eat or focus on certain types of food/drinks?),

I've heard people mention eating things such as pasta. Overall, I think it would be best to always do your best to maintain a healthy eating style. As for fluids, I'd suggest water and/or power-aid type drinks.

activities you do (# of hours of sleep a night, etc.), and anything else you might do to enhance your preparation?

As for the activities..see my comment above. I'd also do my best to get as much rest as possible. Even if you're not physically sleeping, simply laying down provides your body with some rest.

Thanks in advance.

You're Welcome!:ultracool

I would just make sure that I'm getting enough rest on the nights during the week before cause I've had the problem where I won't be able sleep the night before a test. And I don't change my eating habits cause change out of the norm for me will usually make me sick.
Also go light on the sparring, I've seen people hurt themselves while practicing and then they either have to drop out or test/compete in pain.
I try to maintain a decent diet and rest schedule (at least as much as work will allow) all the time so I can be in the upper % of my game at all times. The night before either a test or competition, I eat a clean meat, potatoes and veggies meal; review my material in a relaxed manner and then get some sleep...if possible.
Practice, practice, practice. And practice some more. Did I say "practice"? :D

Oh yeah...a decent amount of sleep during the week helps a bunch too.
yeah, I don't think there's a set rule you can apply to these things. You definately have to train a lot, and train like you mean it. You have to see what your body thinks it needs, rather than trying to figure it out. Usually, if you just let your body go, it knows what kinds of foods to eat, and go with your instincts on what to train in hardest.
Ceicei said:
Let's say you have a week before the belt test/grading or competition. What do you do during the week to make sure you are physically ready? What food do you eat (do you change what you eat or focus on certain types of food/drinks?), activities you do (# of hours of sleep a night, etc.), and anything else you might do to enhance your preparation?

Thanks in advance.

- Ceicei

Depends if it's another belt test, I don't change any of my normal habits. If its a tournament thing I'm working out, sparring and watching tapes of my opponent. Also also slow down my sugar intake and eat more veggies. I get like 60+ grams of protien on a given day.
You know for belt tests and tournaments I don't do anything different with one exception. The week of the tournament I only work the form I am doing the day of. Here is the catch to this as well, I will start the form facing four different directions, that way I do it correctly no matter which way I am facing.:asian:
I train hard up to the week before the test then lighten up.... usually stick with running up/ down my forms, light running, practice setting up my breaks and no sparring. No need to get hurt before the test.

On the night before the test I get to bed on time.

The day of the test I make sure to have regular meals - don't decide to try something radically different for the test, it might not work out.

During the test I make sure to have energy bars, fruit, 2 quarts of water and a quart of Gatorade. Don't eat or drink to much at one time during the test, but nibble on the bars/ fruit and sip the water.

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