Prep for black sash test


2nd Black Belt
Hello everyone,

I will be testing for my black sash in mantis kung fu Friday morning and was wondering what does everyone do for preparation for a long and brutal test?

I currently am doing P90X and was told to take it easy this week and do lots of stretching and some light cardio.

At the end of my test, I have to spar with Sifu for 20 min non-stop Sanshou style. Is there something else you all recommend I should do to prepare for the test? What about nutrients?

Any advice will be appreciated.
I'd say focus more mentally than physically this week and visualize the test as much as possible. If they recommend taking it easy than that's probably the best advice you're going to get. If you utilize Qigong I'd focus on extended (deep) breath work. I'm sure there will be things that you won't foresee so that's why I highlight mental preparation. Get yourself to a place where you welcome the punishment.

I'd say if you were doing predetermined rounds than you could do some light explosive training such as with a heavy bag but at this point it probably does not matter to much as your so close to the day of reckoning.

As far as nutrients, electrolytes and a decent amount of carbs, but not too close to the test.
My advice is "Don't worry about it."

Nothing you could do in four days is going to make you any better. All you can do at this point is worry and sabotage yourself. If you have the skills you have them. If you don't, you don't. And if you didn't your teacher wouldn't have you test.

So just do your usual routine. If there are some rough spots or some things you aren't completely confident about practice them a little more.

Other than that, relax. Get some sleep. Eat your vegetables and take your vitamins. Don't give it any extra thought. [HA! As if!]
Three words for your test:




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