Prayers and misunderstandings


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Prayer takes place in many forms, and sometimes, the result of a congregation praying together can be surprising.

During the Catholic Mass, at one point, the congregation prays "Grant us peace." This phrase is often sung... and when you actually get the congregation to sing (Catholics are notorious for not singing...), their beat and rhythm or timing can be a shade off, altering the sound of the phrase.

I'm waiting eagerly for this prayer to be granted. For the day when PEAS rain down from the rafters on the unsuspecting heads of the congregation. (I do hope that they're not canned peas, or even frozen peas...)
I'm waiting eagerly for this prayer to be granted. For the day when PEAS rain down from the rafters on the unsuspecting heads of the congregation. (I do hope that they're not canned peas, or even frozen peas...)

Frequently seen bumpersticker in Santa Fe:
Really funny, but I don't get it

(it sounds random, makes me chuckle)


me liguinisticly challenged needs to read it out loud...
Musicians get more sax and violins in their life than anyone else ;)
I did Sax until my mid 60s.................Now it's just fiddle once in a while. :)