practicing ninjutsu


Yellow Belt
Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Gulfport, MS
I am new to ninjutsu and I wanted to know how I could practice it at my house and what sort of techniques and/or exercises I should do.
Talk to your instructor.

That's not a way of fobbing you off, you realize, but different schools will have different syllabus' (especially in the Bujinkan), with different emphasis', and different technical requirements. Additionally, your teacher will be able to see what you would personally need to work on the most, which no-one here will have a clue on for you. There is no way we can actually give any realistic answer... and, after all, this type of question is exactly what your instructor is there for.
I dont have an instructor in my area. I am just asking. What are the basic forms i should start off with in ninjutsu, since i am pretty much training myself using information from the internet.
Chris is right. You really cannot learn any martial art properly without an instructor. You can fake it, and learn it badly, and in ways that can get you hurt, but you really cannot learn from books and YouTube.
Books and videos can be an excellent supplement to, but cannot replace, a good instructor.
I was waiting for this thread to happen again. Sure smells like a new year in here.

You cannot learn MA by yourself no matter how many books, videos or movies you have seen. Heck, I've never seen anything close to ninjutsu in a movie, a lot of karate, tkd and tsd in nice black uniforms though.
While Ninjutsu might the style you really want to learn it would be better to learn another style if there was an instructor close to you. I know it won't be what be what you wanted but you may enjoy it and certainly a few lessons at least with another style will show you the impossibility of trying to teach yourself. It may be that that circumstanstances will change some time and you will find somewhere to train what you really want to.
I am well aware that learning it by yourself is not as good as with an instructor. I have taken martial arts before with an instructor so i know what can get me hurt and what can't. I also know how to prevent injury. I believe that learning it without an instructor is better than not learning it at all. But even if i don't learn much online. I will still search for other techniques from other forms, that way i can learn their knowlege too and how to better defend myself.
I am well aware that learning it by yourself is not as good as with an instructor. I have taken martial arts before with an instructor so i know what can get me hurt and what can't. I also know how to prevent injury. I believe that learning it without an instructor is better than not learning it at all. But even if i don't learn much online. I will still search for other techniques from other forms, that way i can learn their knowlege too and how to better defend myself.

I think, sadly, you've missed the point.
I am well aware that learning it by yourself is not as good as with an instructor. I have taken martial arts before with an instructor so i know what can get me hurt and what can't. I also know how to prevent injury. I believe that learning it without an instructor is better than not learning it at all. But even if i don't learn much online. I will still search for other techniques from other forms, that way i can learn their knowlege too and how to better defend myself.

This is incorrect. It's not that learning by yourself is "not as good", it's that it just isn't possible.
You say that you know what can get you hurt and how to prevent injury. Ok.. tell us about your prior martial arts training. What did you study? For how long? Now tell us how this training applies to ninjutsu which may well have entirely different principles (we won't know that, of course, until we know what training you have had).
Well I was in shorin ryu karate for three years. And you are right there are different ways to get hurt in different forms. But it isnt hard to prevent injurym even in a form you are just introduced to. And learning by myself is possible. I just need a good way to get information on the forms then i practice what i am told. The reason i want to learn ninjutsu is so i can learn a more complex style of fighting. I still practice my karate but, my goal is to learn many forms. Not completely, but enough to know how to use them correctly. My karate doesnt apply to ninjutsu one bit, but before you tell me to go back to karate I must respectfully say "no"
Another reason i am practicing online is because i cannot afford to go to a real dojo right now. So online is my best option. Going to a real dojo is not cheap you know.
Well I was in shorin ryu karate for three years. And you are right there are different ways to get hurt in different forms. But it isnt hard to prevent injurym even in a form you are just introduced to. And learning by myself is possible. I just need a good way to get information on the forms then i practice what i am told. The reason i want to learn ninjutsu is so i can learn a more complex style of fighting. I still practice my karate but, my goal is to learn many forms. Not completely, but enough to know how to use them correctly. My karate doesnt apply to ninjutsu one bit, but before you tell me to go back to karate I must respectfully say "no"

Honestly, I'm too tired tonight to even know where to start with this.

Chris, I think I'll leave this to you...
Go on tell me how stupid I am, just like everyone else. No matter what happens, i will still practice martial arts. I dont care weather or not it is with an instructor or not. I will always learn martial arts. And I will learn ninjutsu.
I dont have an instructor in my area. I am just asking. What are the basic forms i should start off with in ninjutsu, since i am pretty much training myself using information from the internet.

Begin by practicing disappearing into a cloud of smoke. Some start with appearing in one, but then you get confused and next thing you know, there are two of you when you were trying to disappear. After you get the hang of using smoke clouds, it's an easy step to running on regular clouds.

And, of course, you must practice daily with throwing stars...

Sorry... Tired, and couldn't resist.

You can't learn any of those arts without a teacher. Maybe you can copy the motions of the kata, since so many are on YouTube now... but you'll be missing key issues.
All i want to know is what basic things i should practice. Not anything complicated that requires an instructor. I just want to know what the basic techniques used in ninjutsu are. Kind of like how taikwondo focuses on kicking. What does ninjutsu focus on?
Go on tell me how stupid I am, just like everyone else. No matter what happens, i will still practice martial arts. I dont care weather or not it is with an instructor or not. I will always learn martial arts. And I will learn ninjutsu.

So go have fun teach yourself. Why do you need our approval?
I am not asking for approval. I am asking for help that actually helps me. I am not asking for a lecture on how i cant learn without an instructor. Because instrustors are way too expensive for me right now. I just want to know what the focus of ninjutsu is and how i should practice it.
Well I was in shorin ryu karate for three years. And you are right there are different ways to get hurt in different forms. But it isnt hard to prevent injurym even in a form you are just introduced to. And learning by myself is possible. I just need a good way to get information on the forms then i practice what i am told. The reason i want to learn ninjutsu is so i can learn a more complex style of fighting. I still practice my karate but, my goal is to learn many forms. Not completely, but enough to know how to use them correctly. My karate doesnt apply to ninjutsu one bit, but before you tell me to go back to karate I must respectfully say "no"

It's not that ninjutsu is more complex than karate; it's different. If I give you flour, sugar, butter, some cinnamon, and some apples... You're set for baking a pastry, right? But you'd have a hell of time cooking a steak from them, right? If you're building something, a welding torch won't do you much good if you're trying to use lumber, will it? The underlying principles and strategies are quite different, and you need to be shown them properly.

Another reason i am practicing online is because i cannot afford to go to a real dojo right now. So online is my best option. Going to a real dojo is not cheap you know.

Maybe, maybe not. Quite a few of the ninjutsu dojos in my area are pretty affordable, at least at the dojo level. (I don't know about association fees; they can be a sneaky surprise sometimes!) Some charge a few bucks per class; others have a monthly fee.

As to not being available in your area... look around. You might be surprised. Contact some of the organizations or the dojos you can find online. Even if there isn't a full fledged dojo in your area, there might be a quieter training group that practices together, under the guidance and supervision of an actual dojo.