Practical Hapkido

Well he was pretty cynical about it and was almost trolling the OP about his "deadly" art.

Actually, I was spoofing the advertising techniques seen in many MA ads back in the 70's and 80's.
Again, I apologize for the apparent confusion you've suffered.
Well he was pretty cynical about it and was almost trolling the OP about his "deadly" art.

I see that you like to befriend the staff here Seymour, keep going your on the right track. :D
You're being snitty this morning. Have some more coffee or something. Nobody is attacking you, and you seem to be attacking everyone around.

As for befriending, I befriend those who seem pleasant to hang around. Some are staff (I'm guessing that's how they got there). Some are not. Some I even argue with, but actually like rather a lot (especially if they have a sick gi). I'm not sure what my taste in people has to do with you lashing out at people making fairly level observations about the use of the term "practical".
You keep saying I'm confused but I'm really not. You might confused be about the attitude you give on these boards as a staffmember. People are telling me things in private messages about your behaviour......

Think about it....

Maybe you should ask some lessons from the Practical Hapkido guys, then you learn some skills.
Actually, I think you are confused. He wasn't attacking the use of the word, though you clearly think he was.
I'm not attacking anyone, just stating facts that @Dirty Dog is a trolling staffmember. I'm not the only person that thinks this....

Those guys shared some information about the system they teach, then maybe instead of bitching about a name, like skribbs did and our beloved staffmember did, give them some proper feedback on their techniques.
Not attacking? You're attempting to make fun of part of his practice, telling him he needs lessons from the OP, and saying he's trolling (when he isn't). That's pretty clearly attacking.

As for Skribbs, I actually disagree with him on his post here, but not vehemently. And I didn't bother to get snitty and bitchy about it.
Shallow is the word I always think of when I see your picture, what a coincidence.
That makes at least your 4th ad hominem attack this morning. Do you really think that has any meaning to it? What purpose did you intend a comment about a marketing picture to serve?
No not staker-ish, I'm just stating facts that I haven't seen any clips from you, and that I doubt they would be more "practical" then the OP posted

Ok maybe concrete, but do they hit back......

They just named their school "Practical Hapkido" who are you to judge what their motives are?

Just wanted to clarify my rating your above post as informative. I did so because I think it informs me about something about you that I think is not useful. Same with some of answers to gpseymour. That is only my opinion of course, you or anyone else is free to disagree with reasons or not.
You keep saying I'm confused but I'm really not. You might confused be about the attitude you give on these boards as a staffmember. People are telling me things in private messages about your behaviour......

Think about it....

Maybe you should ask some lessons from the Practical Hapkido guys, then you learn some skills.

The above is so weak. Is it the best you can do? Why not try to be constructive in a polite manner. Were you ever taught that? Or could you just not find a way to make that work?
Maybe you should stop doesn't really suit you.

I'm sure you are the only one that feels like this.

Again, OP, nice video's and keep improving your practical system of Hapkido

How can you be sure I'm the only one that feels like this?

At that, even if I'm the only one that feels like this, does it invalidate my feelings? Are my feelings predicated on what everyone else thinks I should feel?

Who are you to tell me the worth of my feelings?
Since when should I care about a rating?

Did you hack my messages? Staff could you check his account he might be a hacker.

Time to train, I would recommend you the same....constructive right....
What, precisely, has you deciding some hacking is going on? You're all over the place today.
What, precisely, has you deciding some hacking is going on? You're all over the place today.

Yep, I know I am done posting with him.

It's like feeding a stray cat; it keeps coming back begging for more, buy will bite you if you try to help it otherwise.
There goes a man Will Rogers never met.
He's an old time cowboy/Cherokee humorist and actor. Well known for the line -

"I joked about every prominent man of my time, but I never met a man I didn't like."
Hey, don't lump all us together. Buka's a grumpy old man. I'm just a grumpy middle-aged man.

Who said Buka and I are old? I just said we must be about the same age. BTW young'un, is Methuselah still posting here at MT? ;) :)