Pop Up ads coming to Martial Talk?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Nope. Never. :D

This is an email I recieved, and my reply. Could we use the $2k? Yes. But not this way. Buy our shirts, sponsor the board or some forums. No pop ups though.


We are religiously opposed to pop up and under ads, and the spyware they inflict. As a matter of course, we encourage our members to obtain popup blockers to protect them from such. Thank you for your offer, but we are not interested.

Good Day.

Bob Hubbard, President
SilverStar WebDesigns Inc. : http://silverstarsites.net
Internet and E-Commerce Solutions.
Phone : (716) 681-4034

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Ford" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: Your website

> Hi-
> This is John Ford with RankYou.com. We are interested in joining martialtalk.com in an advertising partnership. We have $2,000 to spend with you over the next month for a pop under campaign. We serve the ad and track the ad so there's no headache on your part. All you need to do is to place the javascript code I have for you and we'll do the rest. Please let me know the amount of unique traffic you receive each month so I can maximize our proposal.
> We look forward to working with you.
> Sincerely-
> John Ford
> Media Coordinator
> RankYou.com
> [email protected]
This is a flattering offer though--someone realizes how popular this site is. Suggest a banner ad!

Congratualtions Kaith on taking the high raod--$2000 is a lot of money.
Thumbs up on the rejection. Hopefuly this forum will never get to the point it needs such things
I think he did the right thing. I hate those damn pop up ads. If I go on a site that pops s**t out at me, I get off it right away. Banners are better. They are "neater". You can place them where you want usually. And they don't chace people away with un-attractive crap popping up. Major turn-off.

Smart thing to do Kaith :D
I agree that I hate them ... but a SINGLE SOLITARY pop up
add associated with the main page ONLY isn't too bad. Hell, it's
2000 bucks! I think if you'd have said "hey, that's good money,
I'm sorry for the ad, but it's only on the main page" that everyone
would've been forgiving of it. But I do admire your sticking to your
I'm very happy that we'll not see the pop-ups in the near futur.
Maybe we'll need them one day, but if it can be managed without, I'll vote for that.

I sometimes liken us to PBS (public supported television for our non-US members). I see us as supported by our members through sponsorships and some merchandise purchases. Right now, we're pretty much breaking even on the costs to run MT. $2000 is a nice chunk of change, but not worth it to me if it goes against my beliefs and/or alienates our membership. You guys -are- MartialTalk. I've thought of alot of ways to keep things selfsupporting here. So far, the banner ads are working, and the tee shirt sales helped a bit. (if ya haven't got one, please check em out) :)

I thought about a $5/yr membership fee (would cover the cost of our own server instead of sharing a box), but I doubt more than 50 folks would pay. I've turned down several pop-up folks (this was the bigest so far), and a few non-MartialArts ads.

I think we have one of the best martialarts info sites out there. We control who/what is advertized to an extent to ensure it stays within our guidelines. Just don't think we should be endorsing viagra or depends, ya know? :D

So, if ya think we're worth supporting, snag a forum or premium sponsorship, or buy a shirt. :) (more shirts and other things are planned in the future, so shoot me your suggestions)

Thank you all again, for making this place a success. :asian:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I thought about a $5/yr membership fee (would cover the cost of our own server instead of sharing a box), but I doubt more than 50 folks would pay. I've turned down several pop-up folks (this was the bigest so far), and a few non-MartialArts ads.

Maybe think about some sort of extra "things" to give paying
members. Ummm ... can't really think of what they might be.

THanks for the High ROad!



Have a nice day

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
So, if ya think we're worth supporting, snag a forum or premium sponsorship, or buy a shirt. :) (more shirts and other things are planned in the future, so shoot me your suggestions)

I like this place. My issues with the present methods of support are thus.

1)T-shirt. Whoah...I just can't do it man. Honest. I swear to god those t-shirts are made for women. I'm sorry. No can do. The colour, the logo... **sigh** I'll wait for the next t-shirt editions.

2)Sponsorship. In transferring funds 45.00$ US becomes 67.50$CAN. For a year, that's ok, but then again it's text. Who wants a text link? No one that's who. Because everyone wants a graphic link because that's what people click on or at least associate better with. At 75.00 bucks US this becomes 112.50$CAN. I'm not that egocentric, (well, I probably am but even I draw the line at paying someone to discover how great I am) to pay for a personal link when I have my website listed in my info for my name.

A bit of a dilemma for me. Ideas?
Talk to the guys with the $$ and have -them- sponsor stuff. :D I'd love to see a sponsor on each arts forum.

the rates average out to $6.75/mo US ($9.38CAN), with over 100,000 displays per month. Thats dirt cheep on the per-impression level :)
for the cost of 1 student monthly fee, you get a whole year of exposure.

As to the shirts, when the current run is almost gone, I'll see about the next batch. I'm leaning towards several colors (dark blue, green black and red) and a different layout. Smaller logo on front, something else on the back full size. :)

"Give Blood. Go Martial at Martial Talk" :D
Way to go Kaith, it is the decisive manner like that, that has the people comingback here daily. Kudos:cheers:
Thanks for the honest answer GouRonin. Not everyone is going to support this site financially, and that's just fine! No one should feel the least bit guilty about that. There are however costs associated with it--actual costs, not the dollar value of Mr. Hubbard's time--and so it's good to encourage people to sponsor or support the site somehow.

No, I don't have much in thew way of ideas! Kaith, have you looked into a PayPal-style donation box, where people can make voluntary contributions if they so choose? Frankly I think it's be nicer to go all-sponsor, all-the-way if possible. So, the message then remains the same--talk to people about this site. Let them know how popular it is and that advertising is available.
I have a problem with PayPal...too many horor stories. I do e-commerce web sites, and I advise my clients to avoid Paypal..its too risky IMHO.

Hmmm....maybe we can sell autographed pics of Gou? I got a good one here. :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I have a problem with PayPal...too many horor stories. I do e-commerce web sites, and I advise my clients to avoid Paypal..its too risky IMHO.

Hmmm....maybe we can sell autographed pics of Gou? I got a good one here. :D


Could you go into some of those horror stories

Maybe not here, maybe in the HORROR story section?
Or in PM if nothing else, I am curious. :confused:


PayPal is not a bank. There is no guarentee on the money. It requires you to create a paypal account to give me money into my paypal account. Paypal has on many many occations frozen accounts with no notice. Several have not been unfrozen tying up thousands of $ on people. They don't offer phone support if theres a problem. etc.

I can easily put up a secure page to allow people to donate using their credit cards, and and address for checks/money orders.

I'd rather have folks support our sponsors. Click thru the premier banners and check em out. If our advertizing space is usefull, more folks will use it. If you run a school or know someone who does, tell em how great MT is, and how affordable for exposure. Spread the word to everyone ya know. The more members we have participating, the better this site becomes. Buy a shirt or the other merchandise (when available). Sponsor a forum. Win the lottery and be nice. :D The more active members we have, the stronger we become as a whole. :)

Advertising info is at the bottom of each page. Just click on the link and you'll see the rates and what we can do.

Theres a few things in the works right now that may help greatly...more info later, when I'm sure about a few bits. (and no, i'm not selling MT) :D

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Hmmm....maybe we can sell autographed pics of Gou? I got a good one here. :D

You would probably make more money by not posting the pics of Gou, we can only handle so much.
Originally posted by Bonehead

You would probably make more money by not posting the pics of Gou, we can only handle so much.

I know I would pay NOT to see them :D :rofl:


As for the PAYPAL issue, thanks for the
explanation on how it works. I would prefer the
secure site also, from my experience.

Have a nice day

If you want to deprive yourselves of my incredible presence and pay not to see me then that's ok with me. All 8X10 glossy pics with be 10.00$ US Funds. For an extra 5.00$ US Funds I will sign them directly to you. I will pay shipping and handling.

Anyway, I don't think the donation things will work. I do like the merchandise idea as people like to get things when they shell out cash.

All in all I think that perhaps if you got a merchandise line of some sort going that might help. But all in all I'm open to suggestions.