Police State?

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You would be right, If police were still expected to do what was expected 25+ years ago. However now police are expected today, as Chief Brown of Dallas said...

More and more issues that at times require specialized training (Mental health most importantly) are being thrown at LE. Society isn't going to change their expectations. So the training needs to change.

Additionally we have these two realities. 1 deescalation training, if done right, takes time. Academy classes need to adapt. 2. Half the problem, imo is that the vast majority of officers in a violent situation are trained as follows. Officer presence>verbal commands> OC > taser > baton> lethal force, the baton being wielded like a glorified one handed baseball bat.

So if you can't effectively fight, and your tools fail you are left with your side arm or an *** kicking. Once you get to that "I was in fear for my life during the *** kicking stage" lethal force could well be justified. How do you fix that? Actual quality combatives training which again increases the training time.

Now I am not saying that you need over 2 years in the Academy, but we need a heck of a lot more training. Also studies have shown that while having some college doesn't impact arrests etc it has a Big impact on UoF in that Officers without college are statistically far more likely to use force. So if one accepts the demands of the public (which will never change) and crafts the Police academy to meet these demands, resulting in a better educated officer, it is better all around for everyone imo. At least that's what 19 on the job has taught me.

My brother didn't have two years in academy. He had to take an academy for every new career turn in law enforcement, prison guard, ICE, US Marshall. He even had to take these courses after already passing them for another job.
Training here firstly classroom, there's is a lot of law and procedures to learn as well as other things, then it's out on the beat, learning under a mentor. A level 3 Diploma is equal to A levels, ( not sure what that equates to in the US, looked it up but all it said was it would get you into an 'honors' course in an American uni?)) but it's the qualifications needed to get into university. After the two years probation is up learning is still ongoing. This is how it is...

Professional development
All probationary police constables in England and Wales undertake an extensive and professional training programme known as the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP), leading to the Level 3 Diploma in Policing (QCF), during their first two years of service.

Individual forces are responsible for the local implementation and delivery of the IPLDP and the emphasis is on local community involvement and a flexible timetable.

The IPLDP is divided into four training phases, which cover the completion of the diploma. The precise name and length of each phase varies slightly between forces, but the IPLDP curriculum is generally divided as follows:

  • Phase 1: induction - general introduction to the organisation with training in first aid, health and safety, officer safety, ICT, race and diversity, human rights and community safety strategy.
  • Phase 2: community - training in crime and disorder reduction and a community placement.
  • Phase 3: supervised patrol - workplace practice supported by class-based learning, dealing with simulated incidents and work-based learning under supervised patrol.
  • Phase 4: independent patrol - combines operational duties with independent and distance learning.
In Scotland, the Probationer Training Programme lasts for 104 weeks. During the first 64 weeks, probationers are assessed both in the operational environment and academically at the Police Scotland College. The remaining time is served in force under continued supervision, followed by a Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management, which takes a further 18 months.

In Northern Ireland, all new recruits must successfully complete around 25 hours of e-learning in the four weeks before starting at the training college. The initial 22-week Student Officer Training Programme (SOTP), based at Police College, Garnerville, leads to a two-year probation period, including ten weeks with a tutor constable, three weeks' driver training, training in public order and the use of firearms, and continual assessment including physical competency tests.

In the Northern Ireland police the public order may be the most valuable training, every July and quite often at other times there are riots there. Anti terrorist training there has been taken to an art form.
There are real systemic issues in law enforcement which need to be addressed. There are legitimate journalists covering these issues. Alex Jones, on the other hand, is a nutbag conspiracy theorist. Getting caught up in his alternative reality antics will not help make any positive changes in society or do anything good for your state of mind.

BTW - crime rates (both violent crimes and property crimes) in the U.S. have been steadily decreasing every year for almost three decades now. Anyone who tries to tell you that things are getting more dangerous is either misinformed or trying to sell you something.[/QUO

There are real systemic issues in law enforcement which need to be addressed. There are legitimate journalists covering these issues. Alex Jones, on the other hand, is a nutbag conspiracy theorist. Getting caught up in his alternative reality antics will not help make any positive changes in society or do anything good for your state of mind.

BTW - crime rates (both violent crimes and property crimes) in the U.S. have been steadily decreasing every year for almost three decades now. Anyone who tries to tell you that things are getting more dangerous is either misinformed or trying to sell you something.[/QUOTE

Jones is either crazy, manic or an entertainer. I just have to ask, though, how do you refute all of his evidence? How do you refute expert testimony? How do you refute documents. The dinosaur media doesn't offer documents to support their claims. Hell, they don't even report objective news anymore.

Yes, I agree it can be detrimental to my mental health. I try not to stare into the abyss for so long because after a while, it stairs back at you, but I don't see how this is any worse than all the tragedy in the mainstream news.

Because of Jones, I knew this country was under the thumb of Big Brother. I knew this years before Snowden blew his whistle (Jones features a lot of whistle blowers). I didn't need Snowden to open my mind to this. Hell, all anyone has to do is read Orwell's 1984. That was the globalist plan. Brave New World was also revealing, it laid out the eugenics plan.

Here's a video not done by Jones

Yep. The training a US police officer gets would basically be unacceptable in Europe. In the US there is a mythos that says "Police work is a craft and you can only really learn in on the job.". Well there are big holes in that. I should learn unarmed combatives by fighting real resisting suspects? I should learn mental health crisis intervention by being thrown head first into a "altered mental status" call? I should learn deescalation after 3-6 credit hours at the academy teaching me theory and then feel it out on the street?

Did I have to do most of the above? Yep. But we have a saying in many circles here..."you aren't a real cop until you have been on the job for 5 years." In a job with the dynamics of LE that, imo, is simply not acceptable. Yes you will need the experience but what other career, especially one with influence over life and death finds that acceptable?

I really appreciate people mentioning mental health. Like my father tells me, there are plenty of people with bi polar disorder in prison. I've never been to prison, but I did go to jail for assault. I have a pending lawsuit with the hospital and the police force. I got into a fight in a mental institution but instead of going to a higher security institution, they sent me to jail. Cops treated me terribly, disrespected my illnesses. I had to get irrate with them just to go lie down in the drunk tank. Then they tried to frame me. They showed me my leather jacket that had about an 8 of weed in it. I know that was planted because before I went to that hospital, I was transferred by ambulance. i got into my car, took out all of my weed before going. If anything, there would have been shake that was so small it couldn't be weighed. They showed me the jacket, asked me if it were mine, I said yes and then when it was time to leave, they lied to me and said I only brought in two bags. I even had the sheet with both of my bags on it and they still called me a liar. i had about 500 worth of clothes in that bag!

The mental healthcare industry is in shambles, not just in the training for cops. This is something I am an expert on because I've spent so much time in institutions. They are underfunded and their staff is under educated, at least here in my area. I can't say how many times I saw med malpractice at "the best" instution around here. Due to their mistakes, one of my friends nearly died from a suicide attempt. They were understaffed and couldn't provide the proper amount of care to their patients. One patient suffered from seizures--no one on one. Another, my friend, sleep walked and there was no line of site on her, they were too busy laughing and carrying on when she walked headlong into a wall. The doctor didn't give her nurses the memo that I was only supposed to take 200 mg of Trazodone, so they forced 400 onto me. I took it like an obedient soma zombie and woke up sick and hung over. I talked to the doctor that day and she told me to tell them I'm only going to take 200. It doesn't work that way. They need a memo from her. They tried it again the next night and I took what i was supposed to take and handed it back to them. Nobody had the common sense to check on this because 400 is enough to tranquilize an elephant. i saw the doc in the hallway the next day, told her she needs to write a memo (I love being sick in a hospital and having to tell a doctor how to do his/her job). She said yes, but it still was a problem. I had to argue with the staff until the head nurse started to use her brain and check on it.

These guys did help me tremendously. They helped me crack my egg of negativity. When I first got out, I went to their free group therapy sessions. Those have been very unsuccessful. People come and don't come back. Part of the problem is poor group managers. They had absolutely no control over the group setting in patient and disrespected me, my illness, in the outpatient group, so I'm done with them. They gave me the tools I need. It's up to me to work those tools. They no longer offer me anything of worth.

I'm not a proponent of our modern health care system. When was the last time they actually cured anything? Seems to me like they just want to push poisons onto you, make you even sicker, maybe even exacerbate the problems you're taking the meds for anyway. Many of the docs, especially the nurses, have no clue about natural remedies or diet. I used to get so frustrated when I went into the hospital with severe intestinal swelling, ask for a dietitian/nutritionist (I can't remember which) and they gave me this one-size-fits-all advice and diet plan. They can't even say why I'm getting sick, or what foods are making me sick, they just said "do not eat these types of food when having a flair."

I've had it with Big Pharma and the industry they've created. They discredit all natural therapies (some hospitals are forward thinking and actually have a doctor in this field on hand). They act like people can't heal themselves. While our modern society can see things like germs and diseases, that shouldn't take away from folk mediicine that people used for thousands of years. They just seem to want you to believe you can't heal yourself, but I say they can't heal me!

I don't see how prescribing meds for mental health issues is even a science. It is a crap shoot. "Take this for a while and then when it no longer works, we'll switch you to something else." I've had my meds changed, sometimes within a week, so often that I get confused about what I'm suppose to take. I have this box of meds that is so big in my kitchen, sometimes I think I'm out of a med because I simply can not find it.

So I had a med mix up and called my provider to get back on the anti depression. She said to call her if I get a life-threatening rash. "If I get a life-threatening rash?" Seriously. Lithium gave me sever tremors so I went off that. But this comment about the rash made something click for me. If I have to go to the hospital because my mind is spinning out of control, then I will. Otherwise, I'm going to treat these illnesses naturally, go to therapy and do the things i'm suppose to do to promote good health. I got serious about my health, especially diet, and have been doing a lot better without their assistance. i know people in these industries will read this and think i'm going down the wrong path, but after dealing with these issues for over two decades, I actually feel well for the first time. Like the old adage says, "if it aint broke, don't fix it!)
I would just like to say that I saw (didn't watch) the YouTube videos clips FEMA concentration, followed by Alex Jones. I skipped to page 2 and skimmed very little and came to this conclusion.

If the sources logic is messed up then everything that follows in an effort to support that source is going to be equally messed up or worse. I'm not sure when it happened but many American's have forgotten how to use their own minds and rely on someone else to tell them "what's really going on." It's like the picture below. We see the difference but yet some people don't trust their own eyes. If neither of these photos have been retouched then a person should be able to use their eyes. So if you don't have police locking down your neighborhood then it's not a police state. Americans also have bad vocabulary. So I will add the definition here:

Police State is a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures - source Merriam Webster dictionary. If there was really a Police State in the U.S. then none of it would be talking about it from the perspective of it being a conspiracy. The fact that Alex Jones and the likes can have diarrhea of the mouth everyday about nonsense, should be your proof that there is no police state, along with the other freedoms that we have in the U.S.
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