Senior Master
You're OK with the taser but not the bean bag????
The taser can kill, as evidence by a man who was tasered and died here in Canada recently not to mention other occasions, especially on a 12 year old.
She was bean bagged in the leg and didn't have to go to the hospital.
She was banned from the train before, I say bag her!
Too many teens get away with crap today with nothing, she wasn't hurt so too bad, she had it coming.
Maybe she'll think twice.
As for the Taser......correlation does not equal causation........dying after something happens does not mean that something was the cause of death.
The reality is that the use of Tasers and other less-lethal weapons are correlated with other life threatening events, such as hyper-stimulant usage, usage that on it's own, and in combination with violent exertion, can and quite often does cause death WITHOUT the use of Tasers or other less-lethal weapons.
The fact that Tasers are often employed in combination with subjects under crisis for hyper-stimulant overdose should come as no surprise, as one of the chief symptoms of those kinds of hyper-stimulant is violent bizarre behavior.