Police Officer Shoots Off Finger and Sues Shop

He is a moron with regard to firearms handling and should feel embarassed about not taking responsibility for his own actions. Yes the gun shop was stupid, but HE shot his own finger off.
He is a moron with regard to firearms handling and should feel embarassed about not taking responsibility for his own actions. Yes the gun shop was stupid, but HE shot his own finger off.

I think you nailed it. People just don't take responsibility for their own actions these days.
Thank God he did shoot his finger off. If he hadn't, the customer to his left might have been shot in the back. I'm glad he's not on the job anymore (I don't say that easily) because eventually some innocent would have been harmed through his negligence.

As they say, "There's no fool like a damn fool."
The officer should take responsibility for his actions but so should the gun shop. There is no reason he should've been handed a weapon with a loaded magazine. From my experience in most gun shops, if you're handling a semi automatic weapon it won't even have a magazine in it let alone a loaded one. Its basic safety and common sense. Yes the officer was negligent but so was the gun shop.
The responsibility ultimately belongs to the officer. He should have noticed that a magazine was in the gun. And he had no business having his finger on the trigger. After all, he is a cop and assumed to be an expert with guns.This is like suing a car dealership because you wrecked their car during a test drive.
The responsibility ultimately belongs to the officer. He should have noticed that a magazine was in the gun. And he had no business having his finger on the trigger. After all, he is a cop and assumed to be an expert with guns.This is like suing a car dealership because you wrecked their car during a test drive.
Its amazing how many people can be careless with guns who work with guns as part of a living, police officers, soldiers, you name it. You would think such people would know better and have better habits but all too often they don't. I once read a book by this police officer and gun expert who has gone hunting and has at times had an 8 year old child walking behind him with a loaded rifle and has had no problem trusting them to do that. On the other hand he talks about other police officers who he would never trust to do that. In this case I can see how most of the responsibility would fall on the officer but why would a gun shop have a loaded magazine in a display weapon? What if the person handling the weapon happened to be a bad guy and started shooting at people in the shop? They should've known better.

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