There are a few things that we must accept here:
1. College students to REALLY stupid things.
2. College students drink which leads to #1.
3. Most people don't feel connected with the police and, hence, don't understand the connection between this young man's stupid actions and the officers' needs to terminate the threat.
4. There will always be people asking 'why.' This doesn't necessarily make them stupid, it makes them ignorant and yes, the two can be exclusive of each other.
5. Almost any mother who loses her child in this manner will always ask Why in a public fashion and there Will be an outcry, justified or not.
I pray for his family, because there's a good chance that one day they'll get it. And I'll pray for the cops who had to do the deed. It can't be a pleasant thing to have to end a young man's life when he just thought he was having a good time.
When I was a freshman, my school had (and still has) a very large number of students from Japan. That year, an extremely popular (and somewhat famous) student committed suicide. Most people here on MT probably know enough about Asian culture to know how much that devastated the other Japanese students. The rest of us that weren't Japanese didn't take it too well either. I don't think there are words to describe the emptiness and pain that comes from an unexpected death - and knowing that it didn't have to happen.

Many times people cry out when they are in pain and grieving. It is natural. But I would hate to see the outcries of grief result in further shackles on the police when the police did not do anything wrong. Many times it is the thin blue line that prevents us from other deaths that don't have to happen. I don't want the line to get any thinner. :asian: