I am, it has been remarked, cheap. Stingy Aberdonian cheap.
I recently bought a pack of 5 bamboo canes of 9' length from a garden supplier. Around £30.
They're far too light for Dragon Poles. The thick end is about 1.5" going to 3/4" at the thin end. If you use it in reverse, holding the thin end of the taper, it can emulate the energies and bounces of a real/heavier pole. *
I'm significantly more aware of the movements required from the hip, when playing with it or is the hip doing this all itself? The movements are exagerated to get the amplified weight of the end of the pole to shift in accordance with desire. Is this correct? Am I imagining this or is this how it's suppossed to feel?
I read on Gary Lam's site that it is good for the development of internal power.
I went a stage further and inserted big batteries for extra weight. I sealed them in with a bung of candle wax 3/4" thick. I don't want to be breaking neighbourhood windows
The same article refers to 'Fighting Mind' an expression of Sifu Lams. I wonder if it's a greater understanding of timing. Much of pole practice is visualising* the connection with an opponant as they close on you. Or you on them. The centre of percussion on a nine foot pole doesn't travel instantly along it's length. Is it intrinsic to learning the pole form that you're open to having combat timing programmed into you?
Just throwing these blind fumblings out there for discussion,
Happy New Year Aa'biddy,
*it needs to be born in mind that Pedro has never held this type of martial equipment.....but he does think they're really cool
I recently bought a pack of 5 bamboo canes of 9' length from a garden supplier. Around £30.
They're far too light for Dragon Poles. The thick end is about 1.5" going to 3/4" at the thin end. If you use it in reverse, holding the thin end of the taper, it can emulate the energies and bounces of a real/heavier pole. *
I'm significantly more aware of the movements required from the hip, when playing with it or is the hip doing this all itself? The movements are exagerated to get the amplified weight of the end of the pole to shift in accordance with desire. Is this correct? Am I imagining this or is this how it's suppossed to feel?
I read on Gary Lam's site that it is good for the development of internal power.
I went a stage further and inserted big batteries for extra weight. I sealed them in with a bung of candle wax 3/4" thick. I don't want to be breaking neighbourhood windows

The same article refers to 'Fighting Mind' an expression of Sifu Lams. I wonder if it's a greater understanding of timing. Much of pole practice is visualising* the connection with an opponant as they close on you. Or you on them. The centre of percussion on a nine foot pole doesn't travel instantly along it's length. Is it intrinsic to learning the pole form that you're open to having combat timing programmed into you?
Just throwing these blind fumblings out there for discussion,
Happy New Year Aa'biddy,
*it needs to be born in mind that Pedro has never held this type of martial equipment.....but he does think they're really cool