They have moved him from ICU and into the 5th floor, he is stable and looking better than before. All the sweelon is down around the brain and they are going to try and get him to start some kind of therapy by the end of the week. Things are looking good for him. We have set uo an account for him that will help pay for his therapy when he gets out. If you would like to donate anything please send in care of:
Jaun Escobar/ Twin Dragons Tae Kwon Do
2915 East Division Suite 507
Arlington Texas 76011
I really hate to even ask anyone but if you can spare $5.00 or more and like to help please do. All the money that is collective will be going directly towards hi rehab and nothing else.
If anyone would like to sponsor anyone of my three boys during a kick-a-thon, they are going to do 10,000 kick betweeen all three of them in six hours. They are doing this on there own so they can help Jaun out, this can be sent to the same address, just put down it is for the kick-a-thon, they are trying to reach there own goal of $5,000.00. It will be done on October 13th 2007.
Thank you all for your prayer and support.
Master Terry Stoker and Family
Twin Dragons TKD and the staff and students.