Please ad another stripe to the tigger

well here's to a non dairy - ultra skinny diet that's high in protein and protein shakes with extra creatine in it just for good measure ;)

also get rid of your car and walk everywhere - you'll soon find the weight drops off you ;) the other thing that you can do is to learn how to use a skipping rope - that's good all round exercise :)

good luck with your quest for 4th dan and all it entails - you'll have to keep us all up to date about the trials and tribulations that are involved - so that we know how much hard work is invloved :)
The 4th dan is a long term goal, right now I will relax a little and enjoy my new grade, eventually I will increase my TKD sessions to three to four sessions per week this will help a lot and yes I will try to eat healthier, in the past, just having regular meals and exercise helped me a lot, no need for killing diets, just eating the right amount and exercise.

Right now just enjoy TKD and enjoy teaching to others.

don't blame you for doing that sir :)

as for my dietry tips - it's a muay thai diet really --- high performance fast gains / fast losses etc...... but more beneficial than typical yo-yo diet :)

good luck with what you're doing and i hope that your students are kind to you :)