Given the importance of pivoting in both forms performance and especially in solid kicking techniques, I'm curious about how instructors train this skill, and how many people work on this technical element, either in their classes, or at home (or both). I'm particularly interested in the fact that in order to initiate the pivot, and get it running smoothly, it's necessary to commit full body weight to the ball of the foot, but once the pivot is complete, the weight has to be equalized over the whole area of the foot in order to be in good enough balance to deliver a rear leg side kick, say, and `freeze' in the extended position for an indefinitely long time. To me this suggests that the forward weight shift to get the pivot going and then the weight redistribution phase are key elements in a well-executed kick, and I'm wondering how people train their pivoting skills to be able to get back into balance after the pivot phase. Any good ideas about how to teach this skill, what drills work and so on, will be gratefully stolen!