Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
This Pit Bull decided he would attack a poor Porcupine. Being brave and stupid he learned the hard way that you can't always win no matter how tough you are. The vet sedated the dog and removed 1,347 quills.



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And hopefully he did not ingest any of the quills, that can be fatal.

The dog survived, but it's amazing he did. That is one nasty injury. I mean 1,347 nasty injuries.
I'm amazed he didn't get blinded (at least, I'm assuming from what you didn't say that his eyes were OK—at least one of them is clearly in good shape, from the photos). The density of quills in his face is... ridiculous. That's one lucky dog...
That is a good example where a dogs disposition for violence is exposed by the number of quills he was "wearing". Pit bulls don't give up easily.
Quills are hair. They grow back.

This speaks more highly of the dog's determination than its brains. I hope the porcupine is alright.
Heh, the photos reminded me of the photos in the ‘meet the unemployable’ thread. LOL Perhaps rather than viciousness or stubbornness this puppy is simply trying to express itself? I am just kidding with the above but I too am surprised that it didn’t lose its vision. Did the vet charge per quill?

Heh, the photos reminded me of the photos in the ‘meet the unemployable’ thread. LOL Perhaps rather than viciousness or stubbornness this puppy is simply trying to express itself?


There goes that job he wanted modeling for PetSmart. ;)

I am just kidding with the above but I too am surprised that it didn’t lose its vision. Did the vet charge per quill?


I don't know. That was sent to me an email and I was amazed by it. As tellner said, it certainly speaks of the dogs determination. I think animals get in a "hunting" or attack mode and just keep going at it until they can't take it anymore.
There's no record I've seen of the cost, but there are a few more details on snopes, which has validated the pictures.