Pinch nerve in my rifght shoulder


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I went to the doctor because my shoulder has been brothering me for about a week, they took some x-rays and found out I have a oinch nerve. Doing some streches and massage therapy but the pain is killing me when I sleep cannot sleep on either side just on my back. Morning are also so hard my arm cannot get above my chest level.
So have you asked your MD about how to deal with it? What does one do for a pinched nerve?

Lemme answer my own question. This is the Mayo Clinic's advice on pinched nerves in general... but with the neck, something special might be called for, a brace or something like that?

BTW, Terry, I wrote that letter you asked me about, will send it out tomorrow. Hope you start feeling better fast, amigo.

PS We're all getting old, lad! There's a big difference between getting old and being old. As long as it's not the latter, you're still doing OK...
So have you asked your MD about how to deal with it? What does one do for a pinched nerve?

Lemme answer my own question. This is the Mayo Clinic's advice on pinched nerves in general... but with the neck, something special might be called for, a brace or something like that?

BTW, Terry, I wrote that letter you asked me about, will send it out tomorrow. Hope you start feeling better fast, amigo.

PS We're all getting old, lad! There's a big difference between getting old and being old. As long as it's not the latter, you're still doing OK...

Exile you are right as always, thanks for the link my friend and for the letter.
Hello Mr. Stoker,

I'm sorry about your pain. That must be very frustrating. I hope you get better quickly.

Be sure to take care of your health. You have a nice school and many students that look up to you. Keep your health in check so you can continue guiding your students for many years to come.

R. McLain
You may have to amputate. Sorry for the inevitable loss of your limb.


PS -- kidding.
Oh, god, I'm getting so twisted in my old age that I actually, truly chuckled at that!:)

Try out some acupuncture, Terry. It did wonders for my back and rotator cuff after a nasty 2 story breakfall.

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