Boondocks Jedi
White Belt
Hello Everyone
You may have heard my name come up in these Pin Sun Wing Chun threads. My name is Marc. I read that last thread where an individual said I gave him the OK to to teach pin sun videos on public forums. I DID NOT. I was not even comfortable with KPM’s video camera when he came in and I made him sign a form for this very reason. I thought I was being paranoid but here we are. For the readers it’s not about being “secretive “ it is that our Sifu made a promise to his Sifu and these videos complete violate that promise. He did not even ask permission..,so disrespectful. KPM You Are not going to be the decider of pin sun be available to all. Your also not qualified! The techniques are not executed correctly. The explanations and jargon Explaining the techniques are incorrect as well kpm. Youre just making things up! Literally! and puting my name on here saying I gave you my blessing or whatever and I love what your doing??? My favorite: Leung Jan took what he thought was most important from TWC’s Siu Lim Tao and changed it to the second set of movements in pin sun. False. It’s just “little idea” It has nothing to do with the form. The name is the only common factor the purpose of the pin sun movement and TWC SLT form is completely unrelated.
Secondly what are your western boxing credentials? I have fused western boxing and southern Chinese boxing because I have the credentials and earned it. That means thousand of rounds in the ring with other fighters and professionals, Several amateur fights, TIME, energy commitment and blood sweat tears injuries and a broken up family from it. It takes a rediculous commitment to fuse the two arts effectively and train them simultaneously. So just wandering what your credentials are? You should’ve never directed me here to stick up for you. You had me fooled for a minute with Jim attacking and being unfair with you. So I come on here expecting to stick up for you and instead I have to see all this garbage! And You are completely instigating. And implying that I’m some kind of co-signer. Your title “This is gonna piss JR off”What’re you 12! Jim and I may have a different approach but he is my kung fu brother. At this point you disrespected sifu’s wishes and embarrassed me so you are out of the pin sun family. Sorry man.
You may have heard my name come up in these Pin Sun Wing Chun threads. My name is Marc. I read that last thread where an individual said I gave him the OK to to teach pin sun videos on public forums. I DID NOT. I was not even comfortable with KPM’s video camera when he came in and I made him sign a form for this very reason. I thought I was being paranoid but here we are. For the readers it’s not about being “secretive “ it is that our Sifu made a promise to his Sifu and these videos complete violate that promise. He did not even ask permission..,so disrespectful. KPM You Are not going to be the decider of pin sun be available to all. Your also not qualified! The techniques are not executed correctly. The explanations and jargon Explaining the techniques are incorrect as well kpm. Youre just making things up! Literally! and puting my name on here saying I gave you my blessing or whatever and I love what your doing??? My favorite: Leung Jan took what he thought was most important from TWC’s Siu Lim Tao and changed it to the second set of movements in pin sun. False. It’s just “little idea” It has nothing to do with the form. The name is the only common factor the purpose of the pin sun movement and TWC SLT form is completely unrelated.
Secondly what are your western boxing credentials? I have fused western boxing and southern Chinese boxing because I have the credentials and earned it. That means thousand of rounds in the ring with other fighters and professionals, Several amateur fights, TIME, energy commitment and blood sweat tears injuries and a broken up family from it. It takes a rediculous commitment to fuse the two arts effectively and train them simultaneously. So just wandering what your credentials are? You should’ve never directed me here to stick up for you. You had me fooled for a minute with Jim attacking and being unfair with you. So I come on here expecting to stick up for you and instead I have to see all this garbage! And You are completely instigating. And implying that I’m some kind of co-signer. Your title “This is gonna piss JR off”What’re you 12! Jim and I may have a different approach but he is my kung fu brother. At this point you disrespected sifu’s wishes and embarrassed me so you are out of the pin sun family. Sorry man.