Pick a style ... any style !!!


Blue Belt
A lot of us have spent years in one or more of the Martial Arts.
If you could go back in time, knowing what you know now as opposed to when you first started Martial Arts, which style would you take?

That is, If you had to start all over, which style would you have taken to begin with, and why?
Kalaripayittu, Krabi Krabong, Fukien Dog Boxing, Harimau or Capoeira.

I would have wasted a lot less time on dead ends and would have learned these very physically demanding systems when I was young enough to take full advantage of them.
style don't matter much to me. solid, talented, devoted instruction matters.

addressing the spirit of your question, i would seek out and train under

al tracy

john daniels

danny inosanto

bruce juchnik

larry tatum

dan gable

chuck norris
Hello, The more one can learn about JUDO. The more one wants to learn it. I chose JUDO!

When my Son and I started in the martial arts, only thing nearby was a Shotokan Karate School. Judo would have been a first choice except those schools where to far away.

Two years later the Sensi quit training. Only thing that started in place was a Kempo-Karate school. NO regrets, We love the Kempo style of martial arts.

Judo teaches ground work,chokes,locks,takedowns, and throws. You can do it gentlely or SLAM them down. JUDO I believe is one of the best arts one can learn. Kids need to learn how to fall and roll! TOO! .....Aloha
I would be right where I am now. If there was something I would like to add, it would be more northern mantis. Very cool stuff.
A lot of us have spent years in one or more of the Martial Arts.
If you could go back in time, knowing what you know now as opposed to when you first started Martial Arts, which style would you take?

That is, If you had to start all over, which style would you have taken to begin with, and why?

Well, it seems to me that Ca. is the main gathering spot for alot of the top people in the various arts out there, I'd do my best to head there. For my base art, I'd most likely stay with Kenpo or Kajukenbo. Knowing what I know now, I'd have to say that those arts contain what I look for in an art. :)

I would do exactly the same thing I did - not because of the art, as much as I love TKD, but because I was lucky enough, back when I knew nothing about MA, to find a great instructor, which is, IMHO, considerably more important than the style - because if you don't find an instructor who teaches you in a way that fits your needs, you won't stay, no matter how good the art.
Well, it seems to me that Ca. is the main gathering spot for alot of the top people in the various arts out there, I'd do my best to head there. For my base art, I'd most likely stay with Kenpo or Kajukenbo. Knowing what I know now, I'd have to say that those arts contain what I look for in an art. :)


Ditto but I would have moved to CA sooner and started Kuj sooner or stuck with JKD.

Look harder for Xingyiquan 20 years ago and if that meant moving to China then so be it.

Also of late have thought if I were about 20 years younger I would check out Muay Thai.

But to be honest I am very happy with Xingyi, Sanda and Taiji, in that order too.
i would seek out and train under

john daniels

Does Jack Daniels count? If so I started down the right path to begin with. :)

In reality, I would start where I am right now. I love the art I'm in and wouldn't trade it for anything. It fits all my needs and is a GREAT bunch of people here.
I would start with the same art, TKD, under the same GM I have now, GM Monte Beghtol. I would start years earlier though. I enjoy my club within the overall organization. One of my instructors has trained BJJ and fought MMA and is also a wrestling coach, so we also do the takedowns, throws, locks and ground work.
I would most likely be in the same art IF not then I would have studied Pai Lum with Dr. Pai (as this has always been my 2nd love in the arts)
If there had been another FMA instructor in the area (100 miles) I might have studied there depending on what I saw at the time
I like where I am now, and I am perfectly happy with the path that got me here.

But I would like to magically give myself an childhood judo background :) Woulda been nice to learn that throwing and falling

My concern is, if I had the benefits of character building from studying a good martial art in my childhood, I would have probably avoided the very situations that gave me fighting experience :) and some of that untrained fighting experience has given me a perspective on techniques that I think has really made martial arts effective for me ...

I'm glad I survived the perilous (pre-martial art) path I took, wouldn't want to take it again, but I'm thankful for the experience I got from it.

And I'm completely happy with the martial art training I ended up with — I really lucked out in that area, too.
I would have stuck to Kenpo. I loved my time training in it, but I would have loved to get the chance to train with Mr. Parker.
I like where I am now, and I am perfectly happy with the path that got me here.

But I would like to magically give myself an childhood judo background :) Woulda been nice to learn that throwing and falling

My concern is, if I had the benefits of character building from studying a good martial art in my childhood, I would have probably avoided the very situations that gave me fighting experience :) and some of that untrained fighting experience has given me a perspective on techniques that I think has really made martial arts effective for me ...

I'm glad I survived the perilous (pre-martial art) path I took, wouldn't want to take it again, but I'm thankful for the experience I got from it.

And I'm completely happy with the martial art training I ended up with — I really lucked out in that area, too.

Hey, I was gonna say exactly that... How'd you get my life story? :boing2:
Now, if you tell me you're also a nerd, like to read, and are a writer, then I have to insist on a DNA comparison. :lfao:
No regrets about my training. If given the chanse I guess I could have started a bit earlier and had the chanse to train under the late Toru Takamizawa.
Now, if you tell me you're also a nerd, like to read, and are a writer, then I have to insist on a DNA comparison. :lfao:

Better go ahead and order that test :)

• While I think I'm cool, my list of interests indicate nerdiness

• I LOVE to read

• I am a journalist for a daily newspaper (I used to do creative type writing, but my day job seems to sap out all my desire to generate creative stuff lately)
Better go ahead and order that test :)

• While I think I'm cool, my list of interests indicate nerdiness
Uh, oh. Trouble brewing already (I'm a legend in my own mind).

• I LOVE to read

• I am a journalist for a daily newspaper (I used to do creative type writing, but my day job seems to sap out all my desire to generate creative stuff lately)
Well, I wrote two nonfiction books and joined ASJA before realizing NOBODY CARED what I thought. :shock: Have had some fiction ideas on the back burner for a while now, but day-job malaise overcomes me taking any action.

So, yeah. I'll get that test ordered. :cool:

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