Photos from your Studio


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Here's a spot til Bob gets the photo gallery up, post your pics from training, studio events, etc here :)

Here's Chronuss (Chad) and Randy the other night... Don't ask *Grins*


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Yeesh, my only excuse is that I am SUPPOSED to look surprised. Other than that, it sure looks like that lady is gonna whup me. :)

KenpoTess said:
Here's a spot til Bob gets the photo gallery up, post your pics from training, studio events, etc here :)

Here's Chronuss (Chad) and Randy the other night... Don't ask *Grins*

I'm asking, I'm asking. :D
MACaver said:
I'm asking, I'm asking. :D
somehow....somehow...we got on a tangent about Godzilla and Kermit the Frog...since I had the cigarette in my hand, I was the one imitating Godzilla...
ah ok.. well as long as you know that Kermit would've won in any confrontation with ole' torch breath.
Hope you two played that out right in the end.
tess that first pic is hard to see...must have been dark...and trust me i never ask about those 2....i give up on understanding....besides you should have saw them tonight...that was just icing on top of the cake
Chronuss said:
somehow....somehow...we got on a tangent about Godzilla and Kermit the Frog...since I had the cigarette in my hand, I was the one imitating Godzilla...

....And just WHAT are you doing with a cigarette in your mouth!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :rolleyes:
FUZZYJ692000 said:
Tell him jason, that just adds to that padding he's collected and complaining about right????
Maybe instead of shoving his face full of cake maybe just maybe he should eat a piece of chicken breast instead. That might help lose his padding. :idunno:
Ok.. here's a few from the Silly String 'incident' last night *G*
Chronuss's (Chad's 21st Bday present from Kathie & Janie (FuzzyJ692000)

I'm innocent in it all.. just shot the pics :D


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