Photo Catches N.Y. Prison Guard Sleeping on Job in Front of Inmate

Bob Hubbard

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NEW YORK — A city correction officer took a cell phone photo of his co-worker sleeping on duty, leading to disciplinary action against both of them.
The photo shows guard Nadja Green, in uniform, leaning back in a chair with her arms folded on her chest, eyes closed and mouth open. An inmate is standing next to her, making a "peace" sign.
The photo, published in the New York Post on Tuesday, came to the attention of Department of Correction officials last week, said Deputy Commissioner Stephen Morello. Once it was authenticated, Green was transferred from her post at the Rikers Island infirmary and removed from supervising inmates. The department also did the same to Claudel Barrau, the officer who took the photo.
Also from that article:

"The source said she worked 96 hours of overtime this month."

You know someone has to be tired to sleep sitting up in a chair while a bunch of loose inmates walk around.
I can understand that. It's the unsafe nature of the practice that gets me, as well as the violation of policy by the -other- guard, the one who took the shot that bugs me.
It looked like they were all friends, inmates and officers. Problem is someday, this is the type of situation that will come back and bite you. Sad, very sad.
I remember the days of being a missle cop in Montanna and sitting on a nuke site for 18+ hours... when you work in this type of field you have to accept that you will put in long, boring hours... you have to remain alert, at least awake. It sucks and something should definately be done about it... but she was lucky this time, next time she could end up dead and cause others to wind up the same way. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be rarely act until something goes horribly wrong.
Even when you get enough sleep, night shift can be a real ***** on your system.

Working 24 hours of OT a week, plus family responsibilities will exhaust her completly.

She was obviously wrong to do as she did, but the situation she was in should never have happened.

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