Heard of him? Yes. Heard of "Atemi Ryu"? Yep. Know anything about either him, or the system? Oh, yeah. Know anything positive? Uh… no.
While we don't fraud bust here (and this is not an easy one to avoid), Chenique's history is largely modern, Western created systems, questionable "ken-jitsu" methods (undefined) from a completely unknown person (who happens to have the same name as a noted Aikido instructor… but isn't who Chenique claims taught him Aikido…

, and blatantly made-up (fraudulent) rankings in credible arts. The "art" he created is a fairly sub-standard mish-mash of some Aikido-like kansetsu waza, a bit of basic striking and kicking, weaponry methods that belie a complete lack of education and grounding in the basics of said weapons, and such a huge amount of fantasy that it's rather sad, with the only bright point being that no-one has been seriously injured or killed by anything there yet. The name itself is a huge giveaway as to the lack of anything of legitimate grounding, as it simply doesn't make sense, and is just Chenique putting together what he thinks a Japanese art name should be like. To break it down, the term "atemi" refers to striking, and literally means "to strike/percuss (ate - 当

to the body (mi - 身

", and "ryu" (流

refers to a "style", but more literally means a "flow, stream"… so this is meant to be "the style of striking"… except it doesn't work like that. It actually reads more like "Striking Style/System", except more awkward… the use of "ryu" denotes a specific name, rather than just meaning a type of method or approach. It'd be like naming a specific system of karate "Punching Style"… it just doesn't make much sense.
So here we have someone with questionable background, highly questionable associations, no knowledge of the language of the arts he's claiming to teach, or of any of the aspects of the art at all.
Not a recommendation.