Personal License Plate Poll

Personal Plate Poll

  • BK N BLK


  • Kngfoou


  • J8D TGRS


  • RAWR

  • Drkpony

Results are only viewable after voting.
Ok...looks like the voting is in. My top choice also won top votes.

My second choice was J8D STANG but of John pointed out..that won't work SO...

Next will be BLK JADE

and I also like DRK PONY alot which I'm surprised didn't get any votes

Hopefully my top choice will be available...with my luck it will be taken but I have excellent options

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Now...does anyone know of a site where you can check what's taken? We only get 2 choices and if they're taken they automatically send a regular plate. (not that i'll have my car real soon...but soon enough i hope) :)
Gemini said:
Try the admin office at Joliet State Penitentiary. :lol2:


I have a friend that works for the DA in Chicago. I could ask him, if you like.

I may take you up on that when I'm ready to get the plate. Thanks!
Be careful with DRK PONY. People only see these things for a split second, and the first time my eyes saw it, I thought "Dork Pony". Not the message you want to send :)
Stan said:
Be careful with DRK PONY. People only see these things for a split second, and the first time my eyes saw it, I thought "Dork Pony". Not the message you want to send :)


Didn't notice that at first, but now?.....Yeah, I see what you mean!
I voted for BLKJADE. It's a little different, a little sexy and I like it.
Henderson said:

Didn't notice that at first, but now?.....Yeah, I see what you mean!

LMAO! Same here...guess I better scratch that one...

Well, I've got lots of great options when the time comes anyway, thanks to the creative minds of MT. :)
shesulsa said:
I voted for BLKJADE. It's a little different, a little sexy and I like it.

That was my vote too. Exotic :D

Sounds like sooooooooo much fun, Jade!
Carol Kaur said:
That was my vote too. Exotic :D

Sounds like sooooooooo much fun, Jade!

BLKJADE is definitely cool. If I can't get BK N BLK I will go for that one. RAWR if fun too. Damn...decisions, (Now I just need the ;)

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