Personal Defense Television


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Has anybody every watched "Personal Defense Television" on The Outdoor Channel? The 2006 season started September 27 th and it is hosted by
Tom Gresham with a weekly special appearance by Massad Ayoob with a "reality check" section.

I don't believe my provider offers this channel and I was curious what, if anything, others thought of the program.

a friend of mine mentioned the show and said the first episode was pretty good. I guess it was held at the Valhalla training center in Co. I plan to try to catch it next time it's on (once I find out when that is...:D)
I've been watching it, and discussed the first two episodes here. Of course, my focus was on the knife, not the gun. I didn't realize there had been previous seasons!
Neat; I'll have to check it out if I can.

Here's when it's on:

1st showing Tues. 4:30 pmEST
2nd showing Thurs. 8:30amEST
3rd showing Sunday 11:30amEST
I guess I will be checking it out Sunday at 11:30 am!
Gentlemen, I hope to hear reviews of the program since I don't believe I have the channel here myself. So, please....fill in us less fortunate! :)
I have never watched it or even heard of it until reading this post. My interest is peaked and I will be watching for it.
I like this show quite a bit and will be watching it regularly. Even though it heavily focuses on firearms use and little else. It definately is a very, very good show and hopefully it will help people to seek additional firearm training.

The Masoob Ayoob segments are good. Today's focused on using a flashlight for self defense. He did by the way give a lot of props to Filipino martial arts when using a longer flashlight.

The other segments focused on ammo for self defense. Shotgun and rifle usage for self defense. Plus they had a segment on concealed carry holsters.

Good show and it gets my recommendation.