Permanent injury from training?

In any case, this subject has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.
I'm kind of surprised you know that, since you were the one who brought it off topic by quizzing him about his teacher, and the organization in general. What does it matter to you if his instructor is a legitimate instructor or not? He came and asked for medical advice, we gave the best advice we could through an internet forum without actually examining him, and thats that. End of discussion. If you want, start another thread about the legitimacy of his lineage, or whatever you guys are talking about concerning bujinkan budo taijutsu (tbh, not sure exactly what the argument is since I don't have any vested knowledge/interest in Bujinkan). But make that a different thread, don't just continue it on this one.
I'm kind of surprised you know that, since you were the one who brought it off topic by quizzing him about his teacher, and the organization in general. What does it matter to you if his instructor is a legitimate instructor or not? He came and asked for medical advice, we gave the best advice we could through an internet forum without actually examining him, and thats that. End of discussion. If you want, start another thread about the legitimacy of his lineage, or whatever you guys are talking about concerning bujinkan budo taijutsu (tbh, not sure exactly what the argument is since I don't have any vested knowledge/interest in Bujinkan). But make that a different thread, don't just continue it on this one.

The point behind what you quoted of me was just that: to end the discussion. Coming on here, when you admit to not having any vested interest in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, was obviously to throw some weight around and condescend to me by reminding me that there are rules to this forum....none of which I have broken. If you're not a mod and not a practitioner of ninjutsu, why are you even here?

"The sword has to be more than a simple weapon; it has to be an answer to life's questions."

By the way, Miyamoto Musashi never said that. Eiji Yoshikawa did.

- Mark Spada
The point behind what you quoted of me was just that: to end the discussion. Coming on here, when you admit to not having any vested interest in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, was obviously to throw some weight around and condescend to me by reminding me that there are rules to this forum....none of which I have broken. If you're not a mod and not a practitioner of ninjutsu, why are you even here?

"The sword has to be more than a simple weapon; it has to be an answer to life's questions."

By the way, Miyamoto Musashi never said that. Eiji Yoshikawa did.

- Mark Spada
So you get to start a discussion, and decide when it ends? Interesting.
As for me coming on here, I came to this thread when I saw it in the new post section, if you look, I posted in a related post to the thread at the time. I generally continue reading threads after I post in case something comes up or I'm quoted, or something similar.

And trust me, i don't believe I have any weight to 'throw around', no one really does in an internet forum, outside of the mods. If you made the other thread, and that went out of hand, I wouldn't care because I have no business in that thread.

I wasn't condescending so much as berating you..something i do to people I respect as well when I feel they deserve it.

The rule I was referring to was the 1.10.3, individual/fraud bashing, since IMO, you implied that his teacher was illegitimate when you stated that he was lying about who he trained with/under, the 4.9 off topic posts, since you went off topic, and 1.1, since you were not respectful of your fellow members. (FYI on that last one, I don't consider my post disrespectful so much as candid). I was however refraining to pointing all of them out, as well as reporting you for that behavior, since you hadn't posted much and may not have been aware of the rules, which is why I posted them so you knew where to find them.

To be perfectly honest, it doesn't matter to me who said it, and I don't see why it matters to you. But I heard that it was Miyamoto Musashi, and after a quick google search of the words, the first two links attribute it to Miyamoto Musashi, so I'll leave it as Miyamoto Musashi.
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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the wikipedia article.

That was hardly a wiki article from Himura there, it was an answer to your question. And it was accurate.

But the Bujinkan as an organization doesn't teach anything.

You know, I keep hearing that, and bluntly, it's garbage. Yes, it absolutely does teach things. It teaches the martial arts approach of Hatsumi Masaaki, which is known as Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. The argument that "the organisation doesn't teach anything, the teachers in the organisation do" is the same as saying that Toyota (the company) doesn't make cars, the robots and workers in the factories make cars. Without there being the company/organisation, there isn't anything to be made or taught.

In other words, your argument is a flawed semantic one which fails to grasp reality.

I have been presented with specific kata from specific ryu-ha in Japanese dojo.

And? How does that make it training in Koryu? Honestly, Mark, I don't think you have much real grasp on what Koryu, or Ryu-ha training actually is... as you're looking at exactly the wrong thing.

It wasn't "Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu". Every time I have ever been presented with "Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu" it has bared little resemblance to the last iteration of the term, each after each different from the last.

("Bore" little resemblance...) Yeah, that's again not entirely understanding the point, or the distinction.

I agree that it is an amalgamation, but it is an amalgamation concocted mostly by various gaijin instructors around the world over the past several decades.

Uh... nope. It's an amalgamation concocted, if you want to use that word, by Hatsumi Masaaki. It may be disseminated by "gaijin instructors", and the methods of dissemination may have a fair degree of variance between what is shown in Japan and in their Western dojo, but it still comes down to them showing their understanding and expression of what is presented by Hatsumi. Honestly mate, that's the reality. Deal with it.

In any case, this subject has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

So why did you ask?
The rule I was referring to was the 1.10.3, individual/fraud bashing, since IMO, you implied that his teacher was illegitimate when you stated that he was lying about who he trained with/under, the 4.9 off topic posts, since you went off topic, and 1.1, since you were not respectful of your fellow members.

I never implied that his teacher was illegitimate, because I never stated that he was lying about who he trained with/under. I only asked him who his teacher was, and that is not in any way being disrespectful of my fellow members. Anyone caring to go back and read this thread can easily see that.

In any case, if you're not a moderator then it isn't your job to discern anything about my "behavior". I'll presume that a mod is possessed of enough objectivity to see that you and the Himura kid are just as guilty of causing thread drift here.

So unless you and I actually have something to contribute to the discussion, why don't we just call it a day here and now.

By the way, my name, as indicated by the signature at the end of each post, is not "garet"'s Mr. Spada. Thanks.

- Mark Spada
Careful, Mark, you don't want to go down the path you've tread before....

I never implied that his teacher was illegitimate, because I never stated that he was lying about who he trained with/under. I only asked him who his teacher was, and that is not in any way being disrespectful of my fellow members. Anyone caring to go back and read this thread can easily see that.

In any case, if you're not a moderator then it isn't your job to discern anything about my "behavior". I'll presume that a mod is possessed of enough objectivity to see that you and the Himura kid are just as guilty of causing thread drift here.

So unless you and I actually have something to contribute to the discussion, why don't we just call it a day here and now.

By the way, my name, as indicated by the signature at the end of each post, is not "garet"'s Mr. Spada. Thanks.

- Mark Spada

See any contradictions...?
Hi Mark,

That was hardly a wiki article from Himura there, it was an answer to your question. And it was accurate.

You know, I keep hearing that, and bluntly, it's garbage. Yes, it absolutely does teach things. It teaches the martial arts approach of Hatsumi Masaaki, which is known as Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. The argument that "the organisation doesn't teach anything, the teachers in the organisation do" is the same as saying that Toyota (the company) doesn't make cars, the robots and workers in the factories make cars. Without there being the company/organisation, there isn't anything to be made or taught.

In other words, your argument is a flawed semantic one which fails to grasp reality.

And? How does that make it training in Koryu? Honestly, Mark, I don't think you have much real grasp on what Koryu, or Ryu-ha training actually is... as you're looking at exactly the wrong thing.

("Bore" little resemblance...) Yeah, that's again not entirely understanding the point, or the distinction.

Uh... nope. It's an amalgamation concocted, if you want to use that word, by Hatsumi Masaaki. It may be disseminated by "gaijin instructors", and the methods of dissemination may have a fair degree of variance between what is shown in Japan and in their Western dojo, but it still comes down to them showing their understanding and expression of what is presented by Hatsumi. Honestly mate, that's the reality. Deal with it.

So why did you ask?

Hi, Chris. You may consider this reply a kind of form letter, as it could be applicable to virtually anything you post on one of these forums.

Despite your labor intensive efforts, you have a very long way to go to convince myself and a lot of other people that you understand anything at all about the koryu that Hatsumi sensei inherited from Takamatsu sensei, or about the study and practice of koryu in general. Given that you are continually questioned and proven wrong in your statements, you really just end up coming across as a more erudite version of Gary Arthur. This comparison is brought into stark relief in light of the fact that your movement is just as bad if not worse than Gary's, if what I've seen on youtube is anything to go by. You may have convinced a few naive teenagers of the veracity of your viewpoints and opinions, but the rest of us know full well just how full of crap you are. You don't seem to even understand how to hold a sword; how are any of us to respect you or your notions about koryu?

In short, you are the last one who should be preaching stentorian about "reality", to myself or anyone else. Please keep your tepid brand of kool-aid to yourself.

- Mark Spada

The only people who think they've "proven me wrong" about Koryu are Bujinkan members such as yourself, who have shown gigantic gaps in their understanding. Koryu practitioners actually tend to agree with me. Constantly. Oh, and I'm not on you-tube in a martial capacity. So consider this a form letter.

When you can accurately describe the difference between Bujinkan training and Koryu training, you might have a chance at a conversation. At present, you're an arrogant soul (yeah, coming from me, that's quite a statement) who is so full of his own delusion that there is no real way to talk to you. Now, I've known this for a long time, but others here aren't so lucky as to have come up against you much before, so this is my way of saying that your opinions, like Will Ustav's, Richard Maiers and a few others, are based in the beliefs of someone who really doesn't have the pedigree or background you all seem to stake your perspectives on. If you ever actually train in a Koryu, you might see this. But, for now, you don't listen, so this is more for others.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you find during your discourses here that there is a point of view that you simply cannot reconcile yourselves to, then the simplest of approaches is not to take part in threads that contain that view.

Likewise, if there is a particular poster that you cannot respond to civilly or that you feel has breached the regulations of the forum in some fashion, then there are two tools available to you to cope with this:

If you cannot get along with someone else, then place them on your Ignore List.

If a breach of the regulations has occurred then use the RTM function so that the Staff can deal with the problem.

The temptation to "have it out" in a public forum should be resisted at all costs.

Mark Cochran
MT Moderator
The "Himura kid" votes for a thread lock. The OP has his answer and I see nothing positive emerging from this line of discussion.
Before the thread is eventually closed, I'd like to thank those that have given me good answers. Off-topic stuff I will refrain from commenting on, except that I appreciate those that's been able to view things from my point of view.

And I'm still training a lot and being more careful. No injuries yet. Hopefully it'll stay that way :)
Before the thread is eventually closed, I'd like to thank those that have given me good answers. Off-topic stuff I will refrain from commenting on, except that I appreciate those that's been able to view things from my point of view.

And I'm still training a lot and being more careful. No injuries yet. Hopefully it'll stay that way :)

I can say that if you get a crown (a tooth one) knocked out superglue is highly recommended, works for me anyway lol. Stay safe.
If you're not a mod and not a practitioner of ninjutsu, why are you even here?

Because this forum isn't so anal as to check your pedigree before allowing you access.

The rule I was referring to was the 1.10.3, individual/fraud bashing, since IMO, you implied that his teacher was illegitimate when you stated that he was lying about who he trained with/under, the 4.9 off topic posts, since you went off topic, and 1.1, since you were not respectful of your fellow members. (FYI on that last one, I don't consider my post disrespectful so much as candid). I was however refraining to pointing all of them out, as well as reporting you for that behavior, since you hadn't posted much and may not have been aware of the rules, which is why I posted them so you knew where to find them.

Good advice since almost no one ever reads the rules before they say they did and register. Either makes them stupid or liars.

In any case, if you're not a moderator then it isn't your job to discern anything about my "behavior". I'll presume that a mod is possessed of enough objectivity to see that you and the Himura kid are just as guilty of causing thread drift here.

I'm not a mod here, but you're being a bit of a jerk. I'm sure one will be along shortly though. Oh lookie:

Ladies and gentlemen, if you find during your discourses here that there is a point of view that you simply cannot reconcile yourselves to, then the simplest of approaches is not to take part in threads that contain that view.

Likewise, if there is a particular poster that you cannot respond to civilly or that you feel has breached the regulations of the forum in some fashion, then there are two tools available to you to cope with this:

If you cannot get along with someone else, then place them on your Ignore List.

If a breach of the regulations has occurred then use the RTM function so that the Staff can deal with the problem.

The temptation to "have it out" in a public forum should be resisted at all costs.

Mark Cochran
MT Moderator

In case it wasn't clear, that's a moderator. I made it bigger.
Ok, back to black pajamas, and poofing in the smoking, froidlaven!