Perfect Weapon Box Office scores....


2nd Black Belt
Fellow Artists,
I read a a review of TPW claiming it "Tanked" at the box office. So I went a huntin'. I found a Site that lists box office score for the year of 1991. And If I read this right, TPW was released on the 15th of March, Opened on 1229 sreens, did and opening weekend of 3.93 Million (Compared to TMNT2 at 20.03 Million comming out five days later), delisted with 3198 screens and a total gross of 11.1 Million and that's only if I read this thing right. Following that Paramount dropped all contracts with DiSalle and Speakman, and the rest they say is history. 11.1 million ain't bad for a first movie by an unkown actor. Can anyone correct me on these tallys?
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

11.1 million ain't bad for a first movie by an unkown actor.

It might not sound like a lot of money to some of you 'rich Americans', but it would certainly help me get through the Christmas period. :)

If you ever want to know anything about almost any film, look no further than teh Internet Movie Database (IMDB) at , it's extremely famous.

The Perfect's Weapon's page is here:

And in the business section (under 'other info') it claims that TPW did $14.061m (USA) in total. That's not too bad for a martial arts film at all really, although I do wonder if that figure is index linked or not.

Also, just for your ammusement, a quote from one of the viewer reviews:

"Certainly better than Jean Claude, maybe a step bellow Seagal"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now that /is/ funny! :rofl:

I can just see Speakman and Seagal in combat!

"Jeff! Jeff! Do you think you could hit me a bit slower please? I can't manage to grab your hand and apply my lethal Aikido skills with you moving so fast!"

Some interesting information there. However, I notice that the budget was not listed. that is definately a factor. A 14 million gross is nothing in Hollywood for a major film company. The net is what really concerns them.
Acording to IMDB, the gross for his next movie "Street Night" (With an exellent "Leaping Crane" I do belive) is $841,015. Wow!
And this was released roughly two years after TPW, almost to the day, 12th of March, 1993.
"Jeff! Jeff! Do you think you could hit me a bit slower please? I can't manage to grab your hand and apply my lethal Aikido skills with you moving so fast!"
Don't forget he needs to run at him full spead, hand held high.....
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

Don't forget he needs to run at him full spead, hand held high.....

Hehe, yeah, I've seen some amusing demonstrations of 'Aikido Masters' demonstrating all kinds of throws and such like by having their students run at them with their hands in the air......I was like, will you just HIT HIM and see how he copes with that!?

Oh well, I'm sure it's good exercise :p

Aikido has it's place. We have an Aikido Shodan who trains with us in Hapkido, he still trains "Across town" full time, but comes in to rough it up with us. He broke wood for the first time yesterday, and we're pretty sure he's over to the dark side now. Now he wants to try two boards, more's funny.
Originally posted by Seig

Some interesting information there. However, I notice that the budget was not listed. that is definately a factor. A 14 million gross is nothing in Hollywood for a major film company. The net is what really concerns them.

Is there a site that would list the budget? You hear about that all the time in news blurbs on new movies so it must be listed somewhere.

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