People are funny or just plan mean.


3rd Black Belt
first would like to thank Master Bedell for coming to the Black belt award to Arthur marion and there was about 65 people who came to also give support for his cancer surgery. ( 9hrs and he did great so everyone knows)
well my towns fire cheif is my next door neighbor. I have people from other town and the state of N.H. come down. well 1 car parked in front of his house and his wife and him became very rude and disrepectful to some of my guest. telling then they could not park in front of there house. ( that is a public road) and what not. well he came over and got into my face like 3 inches away in a postering manner. I calmly let him vent. and i then explained why some one from N.H. had parked in front of his house. and why we had a few people over. (65) to show surpport for a person going into a 7 - 9 hr canser surgery.
The fire chief a town officail said to me, and master Bedell was also there.

I then told him to leave my property. He did very quickly.
But am I wrong to be surprised by his behavior????
I would think that after he found out why people where at my house and what not he would have choosen better words. I now truly have no reaspect for him. I could have not moved the car for no laws where being broken.
any thoughts on this.
My mother always said you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, I've always found asking people politely gets better results than ranting. If I were being shouted at like that i wouldn't have moved the cars on principle. If asked nicely I would have done my best to accomodate him if possible.
If a Fire Chief EVER talked that way to me or a guest and there was no laws being broken there'd be a meeting in the Mayors office the next day..
Bonk Sensei,

I've seen it as well, so it no longer surprises me. Public Service people with an attitude. Hopefully the celebration outweighed the sentiments of your un-neighborly party-crasher.

A little story with similar likeness:

I returned from South Carolina on 11/30 (last day of the month) from visiting my father who went in for cancer surgery as well. Recovering nicely I'm happy to report. On 12/1 going to work, a police officer stopped me because my inspection sticker read 11 for november. In NH, he and I both know you have 10 days to get a new sticker.

He then lied and said my vehicle registration was SUSPENDED. He then had my car towed. After calling the RMV, they said my vehicle registration was not suspended. I wait for the court date to come :)

How nice.
Guess that's why the say good fences make good neighbors. I think you handled it very well, I wouldn't have been as nice about it. Unfortunately I tend to expect the worse from people, so if I'm suprised, it's always pleasantly suprised, one of the advantages of being a misanthrope.
I think it was highly inappropriate and rude. You do not own the street in front of your house. I like Drac's opinion.
Some people are just plain mean. It's sad but true. I come across a rude person then I'll refuse to deal with them henceforth unless forced to do so.
What Drac said... a quick visit to the mayor's office would've been the right thing to do. Fire Chiefs are part of the community's leadership ... it's political office to be sure but an important one that makes relations with the community. The man was being arrogant with his position enough to think he can push people around like that.
When you say fire chiefs are a political office do you mean you vote them in? Are they fireman or administrators? Our firefighters are employed by the fire service and it's run in the same way as the police or ambulance service, as a public service with promotion from the ranks.
When you say fire chiefs are a political office do you mean you vote them in? Are they fireman or administrators? Our firefighters are employed by the fire service and it's run in the same way as the police or ambulance service, as a public service with promotion from the ranks.

It varies from place to place..Some cities will promote from within the FD while others seek applicants from outside..Either way they are answerable for their actions to the Mayor..
It varies from place to place..Some cities will promote from within the FD while others seek applicants from outside..Either way they are answerable for their actions to the Mayor..

Cheers for that. I find it depressing that so many people think they can be rude to others. It's an old saying but still true that manners cost nothing and good manners go a long way to making life especially in big cities and crowded places a lot more bearable. It's like an oil that smooths relations between people.Living in a crowded country it's no coincidence that the Japanese people make so much of being polite. I think too that some people regard being polite as a weakness.
One day that fire chief will be rude to the wrong person who will proceed to drop him!
I would certainly mention the encounter at your next town board or council meeting. The are bound to be a few local elected polititions who are responsible for this mans actions. Bring it to their attention, they may want to be reelected.
The combination of rudeness and plain stupidity is one of the few that really can get my blood boiling. You handled that well Kosho, better than I probably would have. :angry:
first would like to thank Master Bedell for coming to the Black belt award to Arthur marion and there was about 65 people who came to also give support for his cancer surgery. ( 9hrs and he did great so everyone knows)
well my towns fire cheif is my next door neighbor. I have people from other town and the state of N.H. come down. well 1 car parked in front of his house and his wife and him became very rude and disrepectful to some of my guest. telling then they could not park in front of there house. ( that is a public road) and what not. well he came over and got into my face like 3 inches away in a postering manner. I calmly let him vent. and i then explained why some one from N.H. had parked in front of his house. and why we had a few people over. (65) to show surpport for a person going into a 7 - 9 hr canser surgery.
The fire chief a town officail said to me, and master Bedell was also there.

I then told him to leave my property. He did very quickly.
But am I wrong to be surprised by his behavior????
I would think that after he found out why people where at my house and what not he would have choosen better words. I now truly have no reaspect for him. I could have not moved the car for no laws where being broken.
any thoughts on this.

Yes, this person was very rude. Considering who he is, he should be able to conduct himself properly. Great job for conducting yourself the way you did! :) I'm sure it was a combination of your calmness and the explaination, that led to him leaving the property.

As for people parking in front of his house...its a public road and as long as the cars are parked legally and not blocking a driveway, I see nothing wrong there.

I can't stand rude neighbors no matter what position they hold. Kosho, you did a great job dealing with it, and sure like Drac's idea of letting the Mayor know just how his cheif behaves. Gosh, people these days! Glad the event was successful for you and the surgery turned out well.
It varies from place to place..Some cities will promote from within the FD while others seek applicants from outside..Either way they are answerable for their actions to the Mayor..

You're missing a third possibility...

Volunteer Fire Companies, which are still the rule in many places. In a vollie company, the "Fire Chief" is often elected by the members of the company, and pretty much answers to nobody else...

Lots of vollies are dedicated and good people -- but some of them aren't...
Have to say, you did much better than I would have. I agree with Drac's suggestion to talk to the city officials, either the Mayor or maybe the City Manager.

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