Alright, so, I was trying to figure a good way to hail my triumphant return to The Study after spending most of the holidays NOT developing a healthy green glow from the computer screen, and I came across this video.
I can guarantee, SOMEONE will have a disagreement with this video. And SOMEONE ELSE will disagree with THAT person.
And I'LL chime in with something that's, like, TOTALLY POIGNANT, but irrelevant to the developing conversation that has developed, because, you know, it'll reference the actual video in some way.
Then the BILLS will go at it, Tez will smack me for starting this all in the first place, sukerkin will just sit back, look cool, and say about 5 words that make everyone look like a blithering imbicile from his SHEER AWESOMENESS, Elder will bring up some esoteric bit of info that will send everyone in a tissy, and the other regulars will pop in with a comment or two about how TOTALLY AWESOME THE OP IS FOR POSTING THIS THING, Brian King will read all this and be all like, "Wow, this Josh Oakley character sure yells a lot. I'm totally glad I threw him off my trail with that cancelled class in Milton", MJS will wave the Mighty Banhammer of DOOM menacingly at the whole room.
Ultimately, Bob Hubbard's head will explode, and I'll get his job. Not running THIS gaggle of loons *shudder*. I'd get the one where he takes nudie pictures of hot girls!
I think this is a perfect plan. Who is with me?
...Oh, and I think Penn Jillette makes some really good remarks about how we would do well to refocus our thinking as Americans in the coming years.
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