Pekiti Tirsia Kali in Toronto ?

There used to be a guy Tyler (can't remember his last name) teaching @ Kombat Arts in Missisiagua, he was a student of Phil Gelanis. I think he may have moved to France, but he might have someone else teaching that style there.

There is also Jun Deleon ( although not a pure PT player his style has a lot of PT elements to it. I beleive his knife is almost pure Pekiti.

yes i kno of Guro Jun De Leon im goin to join his class i wanna do Sayoc Kali but i cant get a hold of the guy that does that style here in Toronto
Ask on the affiliated site Datu Hartman is in Buffalo and will know who is in Toronto. The Pekiti Tirsia forum is here.

I got to do some Dekiti Tirsia Siradas today, which is a related system.