I've "heard" the same thing from people. He's a great teacher, great fighter, however, my own personal experience with him has been not so good. He was extremely rude, was very unhelpful and left a sour taste in my mouth about him. Im more then willing to give him another shot and train with him but coming from a "newcomer" perspective, I thought he'd be willing to help but it seemed his attitude was "up and beyond" newcomers and didnt want to invest any time in helping someone getting into PTK.
In all honesty, I almost found myself wanting to send a complaint to the pt-go guys and the head guys about him not being helpful what so ever. But, I guess I should give him another shot. We'll see. I'd really really like to get into PTK but with him being the only trainer in my area and already have a sour feeling about him... I just dont know