PED's and public perception (spin off armstrong)


Senior Master
Thougt I would do a spin off of the Lance Armstrong thread on PED's and steriods. Here is one of the big problems I see happening. As some pointed out many supplements that ARE legal enhance performace, BUT many times the media makes it look like they are the same as steroids or other illegal substances.

Case in point, an article today on MSN

They list doping agents, HGH, steroids and then list creatine. To most people not familiar with the supplement, this makes it seem as if creatine is illegal. I have seen other articles that clump creatine in with steroid use as well.

Do you think that this is just bad reporting, or is the media really this ignorant of what they report about?
Thougt I would do a spin off of the Lance Armstrong thread on PED's and steriods. Here is one of the big problems I see happening. As some pointed out many supplements that ARE legal enhance performace, BUT many times the media makes it look like they are the same as steroids or other illegal substances.

Case in point, an article today on MSN

They list doping agents, HGH, steroids and then list creatine. To most people not familiar with the supplement, this makes it seem as if creatine is illegal. I have seen other articles that clump creatine in with steroid use as well.

Do you think that this is just bad reporting, or is the media really this ignorant of what they report about?
I will vote ignorance; because, as a person who never dopes with anything, it all sounds odd to me.:)