Pay off your credit card, be visited by HomeLand Security

MY point is if you do nothing wrong the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. I think what triggered it for my buddy is he made several large purchases in a row. I just happened to be there when they came in. They were very good agents just doing there job
..kinda makes running off and living in a cave sound good...atleast then i wouldnt have to worry about sending the credit card people to much money and have hls on my ***
bushi jon said:
MY point is if you do nothing wrong the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.
I disagree. Interesting things happen when you're not paying attention ... like liberty flying out the window.
Oh Cripes. I'll be writing a huge check on April 15th.

The brown shirts may be coming for me too. Although...somehow I think that if I don't pay my taxes, the result will be worse. Much worse.
ooh. Dueling Brown Shirts. Do we pick the shiny new DHS goons, or the well worn IRS knee breakers. Decisions, decisions. :)
Data mining. That is the only way something like this can be accomplished. Electronic information is flowing through a virtual "pipeline" and various screens are being lowered in order to catch or "flag" various items. The screen could be 5000 dollar purchases or else...but the point is that this virtual pipeline exists.

The history of this thing is interesting. It was first suggested during the creation of the Information Awareness Office. In 2003, this IAO was defunded by congress when certain civil liberties groups objected and the pipleline was recreated in the Total Information Awareness Act. Again, civil liberties groups complained and the name of this act and the name was changed to the "Terrorist" Information Awareness Act.

Thus, this pipeline exists and any screen can be lowered in order to flag items. Supposedly, this is only done in order to catch "terrorists" but there is no hard legal definition of what that term means.
I thought it was anyone who said something evil about the current Regime? Wonder if they screen me? Course, I'm not likely to be in a position to make a $5k+ payoff any time soon, so, guess I'll never know. (Though that van down the streets been idling for a week now, and has a satellite dish aimed right at me....hmmmm.) ;)
I tend to be a fan of big government. I think there are many things the government can do that private industry or charitable organizations are not able to do.

Despite this, there are times where government just plain gets things wrong. Which is why it is important for the citizenry to be involved and vigilant.

Today, we find this article concerning the Department of Homeland Security.

Apparently, for terrorists, the most target rich state in the country is . . . Indiana, followed by Wisconsin. It seems that DHS thinks that 'water parks' and 'mortuaries' may make appropriate targets for terrorism.

The National Asset Database, as it is known, .... the inspector general found, that as of January, Indiana, with 8,591 potential terrorist targets, had 50 percent more listed sites than New York (5,687) and more than twice as many as California (3,212), ranking the state the most target-rich place in the nation.

Well ... as I said ... an informed citizenry, constantly vigilant, is required for big (or any) government to function correctly.
HKphooey said:
Or even worse, planes fly into buildings.

Whatever the truth may be, this event is now the excuse that the government uses to do everything it does. People need to stop being afraid and realize that somethings are worth the risk.

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