Seems that if you suddenly pay too much on your credit cards, the Brown Shirts from the Department Of HomeLand Security have to ok it.
From Slashdot:
"Capital Hill Blue is reporting that recently a retired Texas schoolteacher and his wife had a little run in with the Department of Homeland Security. The crime? Paying down some debt. From the article: 'The balance on their JCPenney Platinum MasterCard had gotten to an unhealthy level. So they sent in a large payment, a check for $6,522. And an alarm went off. A red flag went up. The Soehnges' behavior was found questionable. [...] They were told, as they moved up the managerial ladder at the call center, that the amount they had sent in was much larger than their normal monthly payment. And if the increase hits a certain percentage higher than that normal payment, Homeland Security has to be notified.'"
Full article:
Thank god for DHS. They can't stop some anthrax carrying nutjob from swimming ashore, but they can stop a bill payment from going through until they review it. Good thing too. That check might have given someone a papercut or something.
From Slashdot:
"Capital Hill Blue is reporting that recently a retired Texas schoolteacher and his wife had a little run in with the Department of Homeland Security. The crime? Paying down some debt. From the article: 'The balance on their JCPenney Platinum MasterCard had gotten to an unhealthy level. So they sent in a large payment, a check for $6,522. And an alarm went off. A red flag went up. The Soehnges' behavior was found questionable. [...] They were told, as they moved up the managerial ladder at the call center, that the amount they had sent in was much larger than their normal monthly payment. And if the increase hits a certain percentage higher than that normal payment, Homeland Security has to be notified.'"
Full article:
Thank god for DHS. They can't stop some anthrax carrying nutjob from swimming ashore, but they can stop a bill payment from going through until they review it. Good thing too. That check might have given someone a papercut or something.