Patriots vs Rams


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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So it looks like the Patriots and the Rams will be going to the Super Bowl. I was hoping the Eagles would go again and win again like they did last year, but that's not the case. Anyway, I will be rooting for the Rams, don't care much for the Patriots.
I'm still mad at the blown call in the Saints Game.

Saints got robbed.
So it looks like the Patriots and the Rams will be going to the Super Bowl. I was hoping the Eagles would go again and win again like they did last year, but that's not the case. Anyway, I will be rooting for the Rams, don't care much for the Patriots.
Positive note on the Eagles not going: the guy who celebrated by eating horse sh!t at the victory parade last year probably won’t do that one again for at least another year.