Pastor Tazed in US "Constitution Free Zone"

Haven't read what's on the link. But lemme guess...

1. Attention-seeking dude finds a way to cause a ruckus

2. Emotionally-charged blog article/youtube clip covers the ruckus

3. Post made in The Study claiming an infringement of rights.

Am I close? ;)

Ayup. Of course, had the ******* cooperated with authorities who had probable cause, none of this would have happened.

The idiot makes me sick. Also has footage of himself telling a parishoner of his to "get the hell out of his church" for disagreeing with him about saying Obama is the Devil. Whatabozo.
I have no experience of being stopped and searched in the US, but I do in the UK and Ireland. During the '90, I would often travel from Dublin to Holyhead on the ferry. Before getting on the conecting bus in Wales, I would ALWAYS be stopped, brought into a private room and have all of my belongings searched. The police officers would always be courteous and I was fine with the whole process. Of course it was a case of profilling, but it made me feel kinda safe, knowing that these guys were serious about potential terrorist threats.

This pastor bloke is a wanker. His cut and bruised face should be a lesson learned, but it won't be. He'll use it to start a crusade against cops whose job is already hard enough.

This is not an Obama thing, or a government thing. It's just an angry little man thing. This guy just has a problem with anyone else's authority. At the same time he "rules" his flock with an iron fist, expelling all that don't agree with his politics.

I'd love for him to cross a checkpoint in the North of Ireland with the same attitude. He'd be in for a very big shock.
I think that its a terrible situation, and the legality of such a checkpoint, and the severity of the SOP of those officers should come into light, be questioned and possibly revised...

But after watching some of Anderson's clips (which are just... angry)..

I have to say that I'm glad it happened to him, but not looking forward to the backlash.

Yay circus!
Let me see if I understand this right.
Every day, a few -thousand- (like 10,000-12,000) illegals sneak into the US, across the border. Then there are the tens of thousands who stick around after their VISA's expire, etc.

Now, rather than do something smart, like say, secure the border, the idea is to set up these "Inspection Stations" on main roads, and check vehicles and harass American's and legalize violations of their Constitutional Rights.....

Sure seems smart to me. I'll be back later. I have to go remove the salt from some water, a grain at a time. I know, I shoulda stopped it from getting in there in the first place, but this way seemed so much more efficient.

(President George W. Bush and then Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, used a figure of "8-12 million" illegal aliens in the US as of December 2003. John McCain estimated that Border Patrol apprehension figures demonstrated that "almost four million people crossed our borders illegally 2002". That's about 11,000)
Let me see if I understand this right.

No Bob, you got it all wrong.

LEOs have a difficult, dangerous job. In the pursuit of their goals, they must occasion to do things which normal citizens can not, and can not understand. You don't get to question it. You don't get to object. If this guy had simply done what he was told, or better yet, not shown up and caused a problem in the first place, all of this unpleasantness could have been avoided. It's his fault for being a problem in the first place. Lots of other people went through that checkpoint that day and did as they were told and didn't have any problems.

Carrying currency is probable cause to believe that you are a criminal. Pointing a camera at a LEO is probable cause to believe that you are a criminal. Proclaiming your rights is probable cause to believe that you are a criminal. Not being a LEO is probable cause to believe that you are a criminal.

So quit making problems for yourself and others. Submit. Obey. If you feel you are being wronged, submit now and complain later, after your rights have been violated. The LEO you are facing doesn't care, and doesn't have to. He gave you an order. Do as you're told.

Then you won't have these problems.


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