Past and present


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
If you all have been training for over ten years here is a question what part of the past training methods do you wish was still around in your Art today?

What present training method of new is better than it was those years ago?
Yang Style Tai Chi

I wish that the focus on advanced techniques such as martial applications, internal, push hands training and freestyle push hands practice was still around as much as it use to be.

What is better now in Yang Tai Chi 10 years later? I may be too cynical to answer that but to be honest I see nothing better.
If you all have been training for over ten years here is a question what part of the past training methods do you wish was still around in your Art today?

What present training method of new is better than it was those years ago?

20+ years here. I wish cross trining that is so prevalent now was prevalent when i started. I was fortunate enough to have been at a school that taught several different disciplines. Others weren't so lucky and I wish they could have shared in that experience a little sooner. I wish that physical conditioning was as stressed today as it was when I started.
When I first started people used to get hurt... a lot. That was bad but you really felt like a survivor as students found other ways to entertain themselves.
If you all have been training for over ten years here is a question what part of the past training methods do you wish was still around in your Art today?

IMO, training in the past always seemed to be very intense. People were there to train, period. Now, it seems like some don't take the training as serious, the fear of a law suit if someone gets hurt, or if the contact is too much. People tend to forget that the Martial Arts involve contact!

What present training method of new is better than it was those years ago?

Cross training and being more receptive to the other arts that are out there.

From the past I still wish we had the freedom to get at it a little harder and not have the worries of being sued. We may have seemed barbaric, but we were better prepared for what lay outside the dojo walls. We are still barbaric, but more civil than we used to be.

New stuff, the better understanding of how the body functions and the great cross-training that is going on today. We all have those students who are going around and visiting other schools to gain more knowledge.

Knowledge seems to be the counter to our barbaric nature of the past.
18+ years...

I agree with all that has been said already. I also think the insurgence of martial arts schools (good or bad) has made many take their instruction to a higher level. I think we have more and more awesome young blackbelts. Many students started when they are younger and are staying with it into their adulthood.
Come on people lets hear what you miss about the old days for you and what there is about training nowadays that makes it worthwhile.