Paeonia suffruticosa (Peony)

Cool lighting! All natural?

Yes, it was an overcast day and I just crouched down and took the photo. I used a vintage Sears manual focus 50mm lens, 'cause I'm funny that way.
Great shot Bill! Peonys are one of my favorite flowers. I planted more than a couple in my front yard.

My peonies haven't quite flowered yet (another day or two should see them open) so it's nice to see the lovely sight my garden will shortly host :D.
Very nice Bill, the colors are fantastic!!

Thanks! I didn't do a thing to the photo except 'auto set level' in the photo editor. No enhanced saturation, nothing like that. I try to keep it simple; also because I'm color-blind and I'd never know when it became 'too much'. I used a Pentax K200D; it tends towards nice bright colors.