Overheard at work...


Crazy like a...
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State Trooper: "The party elected to get out of his truck, and decided to go to jail for disorderly."

(Oh the choices we make....)


Town Dispatcher: "The grandfather reports he tried to teach his 14 year old son how to drive. After returning home, the grandfather reports he fell asleep, and when he woke up his car was gone"

Officer: "Does he want to prosecute?"

Dispatcher: "Unclear, but he's mad about the car!"


Ham on SKYWARN: "The kids have taken some board games and have gone to the basement. I won't be on the air much longer."

Unknown Dispatcher: "Sounds like the vortex is getting close"

Ham: "Oh yeah. Only folks left on the road are the stormchasers"

Dispatcher: "<groans> So, soon there will be no one on the road except [county] Fire rescuing the stormchasers"


EMS Dispatch: "Is the victim in transport now?"

Ambulace Driver: "Yes"

Dispatch: "Status?"

Paramedic: "Victim is Alert and stable, but doesn't recall what he was doing, or where he was when he got stabbed"

(I've never been stabbed, but I think if I ever were, I'd remember what I was doing, and where I was when it happened)


Me: "Hi, this is Carol, I'm the network manager with <your vendor>"

EOC Honcho: "Hi Carol, I can't answer the comms. Someone took our mouse."

Me: "Someone took your mouse..." (and this is my problem...why?)

Honcho: "Yes! Our mouse is gone!"

Me: "Have you checked for any...cats...at the EOC, sir?"


And how was YOUR week? :lol:
Aww poor stormchasers.. They are only out getting their kicks..

And perhaps the mouse got tired of being around such amateurs and committed seppuku, throwing itself upon the points of kittie's jaws.. poor mouse

I like your calm customer skills! I can imagine you cover the mouthpiece more than once! And so how did was the missing mouse catastrophe resolved? What did FEMA suggest when you got off the hotline?
Hehehe...FEMA escalation not necessary. The honcho at the EOC laughed when I asked him about the cats. "No, no cats here...I don't think" then he realized that it was really up to him to buy another mouse if he had needed one :lol:

Not much covering of the mouthpiece actually...I only become an active participant if there is equipment trouble, in which case I take everything very seriously. But an unrelated broadcast that doesn't have me on mic? That's fair game :D
Hehehe...FEMA escalation not necessary. The honcho at the EOC laughed when I asked him about the cats. "No, no cats here...I don't think" then he realized that it was really up to him to buy another mouse if he had needed one :lol:

Not much covering of the mouthpiece actually...I only become an active participant if there is equipment trouble, in which case I take everything very seriously. But an unrelated broadcast that doesn't have me on mic? That's fair game :D

He called you about the mouse because you were "tech support." He had a "tech problem." It was only after he talked to you that he realized that his problem was really his end of things, not yours... It's easy to do, when you're sitting there staring at a problem.
He called you about the mouse because you were "tech support." He had a "tech problem." It was only after he talked to you that he realized that his problem was really his end of things, not yours... It's easy to do, when you're sitting there staring at a problem.

Not really tech support anymore, I have a Marine to do that for me now. ;) And My answer could have just as easily been "buy a mouse" or "have your IT team give you a mouse." and have that be the end of it.

When you get to know your clients, you also know the folks that have a sense of humor. Including the LEOs :D

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