Over kill Kicks

Perhaps it would be good to figure out exactly at what point we're executing these kicks. My perspective was more along the lines of a pre-emptive strike. So, going on that, we would normally be in a 'stance' that is non aggressive, hands up, with palms open. We start turning sideways or positioning ourselves like a martial artist would, that is probably going to tip the bad guy off.

Now, if we're talking about a situation where we're already engaged in a fight, then of course our choice of kicks is greater. Of course, I am not fond of doing anything that has a high risk of putting ourselves at a disadvantage.

Regarding damage and what type of kicks someone can take....I don't like to bank on the 1 shot-1 kill way of thinking. Not saying it can't happen, but I think we may be setting ourselves up to fail if we assume our hit will KO the guy. Instead, I like to use a series of strikes and kicks, setting each of them up. Ex: From the pre-emptive position, I fire the low line shin kick, followed by a palm to the face, followed by an elbow, followed by.....

As far as conditioning goes....while I do feel that its good to prepare ourselves for the worst case scenario, I don't assume that everyone that may attack me will be built like Arnold and take the time to condition their body like a pro MMA fighter might. Again, not saying that could never happen, but I doubt that case would be the norm.
I would only disagree because the targeting must be precise. A roundhouse kick to the side of the knee is just as disabling, and easier to pull off under pressure. It would be a bit slower than the front kick, though.

Oh it works lol! Oops did I say that out loud?

I'm wary of groin kicks as if a man is coming to attack a woman they are usually prepared for that kick, women are always being told to 'kick em where it hurts'.
Low roundhouse to the calf to take out his base. I would argue it is your most common opportunity

Won't work if he's a six foot five rugby playing Fijian soldier. I've seen them take baton strikes across the legs and not even flinch. Frankly very little will take them out. Especially when they are fighting drunk.
Won't work if he's a six foot five rugby playing Fijian soldier. I've seen them take baton strikes across the legs and not even flinch. Frankly very little will take them out. Especially when they are fighting drunk.
Swing as there eyes with your finger tips, then do the sweep. They will do it to themselves.
My preferences:

1. Front snap-kick to the groin.

2. Side-kick to the groin.

3. Inner Knee-Shin Rake-Foot Stomp. Basically hit the inner knee and continue down the shin till you land on the foot. *(I can unfortunately vouch for it's effectiveness.)
Swing as there eyes with your finger tips, then do the sweep. They will do it to themselves.

Mmmm, you've not met many Fijians have you lol? Good soldiers, nice Christian lads when sober, drunk. . . . a complete and utter nightmare.

It will take as many of six of us to take one guy down unless there's a chief available, then they'll do as they are told.
I don't kid myself I can take one, the best I can do is talk 'as an older mother type woman'
They are warriors through and through, they will fight on the battlefield and on the street. If you flicked your fingers at these guys eyes they may blink but they'd have you all the same.
Thrusting side kick, striking surface being the heel.
Target, of course, anywhere you kick the person.
The kick works great against the ankle/shin of the lead leg. Its a wonderful tool for demolishing the knee of that same leg. With an adjustment step it can take the rear leg targets very deceptively. The move can jam the hip, works well as a counter to the groin of a kicker, is a perfect fit for the pelvic shelf or the floating ribs, and will make a person pee blood if you deliver a shot to the kidney. The spine is a great target as is any point on the head, should it become available.

The sidekick can be set up in so many ways and executed even in close that I find it is a workhorse. I'm fond of a lead hand grab to the opponents lead hand and kicking with my lead into the body.

Using the side kick as an stop hit is a great tactic as well.

Big fan of the side kick.

Note that you could also insert the thrusting front kick into almost every place I wrote side kick. I like pushing kicks.
Mmmm, you've not met many Fijians have you lol? Good soldiers, nice Christian lads when sober, drunk. . . . a complete and utter nightmare.

It will take as many of six of us to take one guy down unless there's a chief available, then they'll do as they are told.
I don't kid myself I can take one, the best I can do is talk 'as an older mother type woman'
They are warriors through and through, they will fight on the battlefield and on the street. If you flicked your fingers at these guys eyes they may blink but they'd have you all the same.

Your not wrong , and their cousins the Tongans and the Samoans are exactly the same .
One of my students got into a fight with a Tongan and was punching him from one side of the street to the other before the bloke would go down .
Your not wrong , and their cousins the Tongans and the Samoans are exactly the same .
One of my students got into a fight with a Tongan and was punching him from one side of the street to the other before the bloke would go down .

The Pacific Islands certainly know how to produce warriors! They are hugely brave in combat, with one soldier recently winning the VC in Afghanistan but their attitudes towards women and drink mean fighting is a huge problem in the local clubs and pubs. The best way we've found to end fights is to bring the dog handlers in.
Kicking these guys is like kicking tree trunks, however they are actually very 'fair' fighters, it's one on one, they won't jump you in a group and will only use fists no broken glasses, bottles etc.
I think a turning kick to the outside of the knee might be effective, and of course a good front kick to the groin would be effective
I think a turning kick to the outside of the knee might be effective, and of course a good front kick to the groin would be effective
If I was stood in front of you yelling and being threatenng the first thing you'd do, probably subconciously is move your legs to protect your groin. I agree groin kicks are very effective if you can make them connect but more often than not if the aggressor is male it's the first part he thinks of guarding so they are difficult to make work. If you are the aggressor you have more chance.
Mmmm, you've not met many Fijians have you lol? Good soldiers, nice Christian lads when sober, drunk. . . . a complete and utter nightmare.

It will take as many of six of us to take one guy down unless there's a chief available, then they'll do as they are told.
I don't kid myself I can take one, the best I can do is talk 'as an older mother type woman'
They are warriors through and through, they will fight on the battlefield and on the street. If you flicked your fingers at these guys eyes they may blink but they'd have you all the same.
My point is you should kick them once they take the weight off that leg for any variety of reasons. It happens.
My point is you should kick them once they take the weight off that leg for any variety of reasons. It happens.

Like having an extendable baton whacked round his leg so he lifts it and still stands solid? We tried that. Beside kicking them as I said is like kicking tree trunks who laugh at you.