Outside leg kick vs. foot sweep

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
The "inside leg kick vs. groin kick" thread just remind me the "outside leg kick (outside low roundhouse kick) vs. foot sweep".

What do you think the difference is? Do you train both or one another?

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We train both. The sweep is more a close in technique focusing on the ankle, contacting with the sole of the foot whereas the roundhouse kick is with the shin to the knee or mid thigh delivered from sightly further out.
We train both as well. IRT has a lot of lower leg work from sweeps to low kicks to leg destructions and even stepping on the foot. ;)
Sweeps are the more useful tactic. You can run around kicking people you don't like, but you can sure take them off their feet at the first sign of trouble. :)
We don't so much due to the timing issues involved. We don't even osotogari much.

sweep too much and you can expose your back.
This is very true. You have to use it a surprise tactic and if you overuse it on one person two much in training they will definitely wise up and counter you. In self-defense not really a worry but definitely some thing to be worried about when sparring in the Training Hall.
sweep too much and you can expose your back.
This is why when I train the "foot sweep", I have to separate my lower body and my upper body. Make sure my lower body is rotated but my upper body is not.

IMO, one should train the "foot sweep" in the following order:

1. shin bite,
2. sticky kick,
3. scoop kick,
4. foot sweep.

It won't be a good idea to just jump right into the "foot sweep" for the reason that you have just stated "expose your back" and over committed.

You have to use it a surprise tactic and if you overuse it on one person two much in training they will definitely wise up and counter you. In self-defense not really a worry but definitely some thing to be worried about when sparring in the Training Hall.

The counter to a "foot sweep" is so easy. All you need is to bend your leg at your knee joint:


or side-way.

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We train both. As others have said, they're definately not the same technique with a different target. The low leg kick is a roundhouse variant, striking with the shin or instep. The sweep is done with the inside edge or sole of the foot.
This is why when I train the "foot sweep", I have to separate my lower body and my upper body. Make sure my lower body is rotated but my upper body is not.


The counter to a "foot sweep" is so easy. All you need is to bend your leg at your knee joint.

it is more about the foot being out there and you cant angle off.

so while i sweep with my right leg. For that split second i cant turn right.

it is not a big window admittedly. And we do sweep. Just not very much.
it is more about the foot being out there and you cant angle off.

so while i sweep with my right leg. For that split second i cant turn right.

it is not a big window admittedly. And we do sweep. Just not very much.
Since you have put your opponent in defense mode. He has to escape out of your "foot sweep" before he can counter you, As long as you don't over commit on your "foot sweep", even if your risk is there, your opponent may have more risk than you have.

I like to use it as the 1st (or 2nd) move of one of my entering strategies. If I can sweep my opponent's leading leg to be off the ground, his leading leg will jam his own back standing leg. Even if he may not be down, if I can deal with his leading arm properly after that, I'll have a safe entry.

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The difference between a low kick and a sweep is the purpose.. The kick is used to damage the leg whist the sweep is used to unbalance the opponent. The outside foot sweep is basically a very low crescent kick and the low roundhouse kick can be aimed at the ankle and used as a sweep, a low spinning heel kick can also be used as a sweep. We train both sweeps and low kicks.
They're definitely seperate techniques but can look very similar to observers/spectators. A few guys I competed against in judo took advantage of this fact and would 'blur the lines' a little during matches by repeatedly digging little kicks into your leg while making it look like they were trying for a sweep
We train both. The sweep is more a close in technique focusing on the ankle, contacting with the sole of the foot whereas the roundhouse kick is with the shin to the knee or mid thigh delivered from sightly further out.

I teach the same way. Those resources are priceless we must teach them to our students. When I teach one steps (han bon kyorugi) or self defense techs I like to get in to counter grab and sweep the leg of my oponent to bring him down and finishing him however in long to medium distnace a low kick to the knee or tigh is devastating too.

What will be your favor counters for "outside leg kick" or "foot sweep"?

I like to

- "catch" a high outside leg kick (above the knee).
- "escape" or "shin bone jam" a low outside leg kick or foot sweep (below the knee).

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