Outdoor Training in the Elements!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Well I was just outside to bring the trash in and noticed that my driveway was super slick with ice so I decided to work on some lunging drills. Who else here likes to train outdoors in all types of environment and what do you like best about it?
I do it really helps you with every single movement that you are involved in.
Well I was just outside to bring the trash in and noticed that my driveway was super slick with ice so I decided to work on some lunging drills. Who else here likes to train outdoors in all types of environment and what do you like best about it?

Yes, I train outside at least once a week.

Down here we don't get ice, but it certainly is brutal outside during the summer. The heat saps your energy. I never tried training in the rain. Here it is either sunshine or liquid sunshine. :D
Well I was just outside to bring the trash in and noticed that my driveway was super slick with ice so I decided to work on some lunging drills. Who else here likes to train outdoors in all types of environment and what do you like best about it?

Myself and a few students conducted a Winter Suryon last Wednesday afternoon when our area was iced over. We trained for about 1.5 hours that day.

Annually we train at the beach and in the surf, training at a park, and on Saturdays outside during the Summer months.

I think it help you gain knowledge of the environment and terrain. You can especially appreciate the weaknesses of certain techniques in certain conditions.

R. McLain
We don't get much for ice here in Las Vegas, but back in my Kempo days I had a backyard that filled wall to wall with rocks and relatively deep. After a few months of practicing I was doing forms full speed. It increased my ability drop in and out of solid stances and defnitely helped with techniques that had me jumping and turning in mid air.
I vaguely remember a time that I did kata in a fast-flowing stream...
The stream was right down from a local dam, and was the run-off from the spillway, so you can guess HOW fast-flowing it was...
The experience really reminded me how important solid stances are, as well as how important accurate transitions between stances are.
I train outside because it is WAAAAAAY to hard and or way to dangerous to bring the trees inside. :)

Training outside I feel actually gives you a better grasp of the moves, forms and or postures of martial arts. Uneven ground and other distraction that you need to consider and ignore at the same time also helps concentration and gives a more realistic feel.
I do alot of hiking that helps, but I don't know about you but the extremes are hard. I hate the heat (living in Texas we get alot) it is a beating and when it gets cold it depends on what you are doing running tears my lungs up I do like it when the instructor forgets to turn on the heat in the studio and gets nice and cold.
Well I was just outside to bring the trash in and noticed that my driveway was super slick with ice so I decided to work on some lunging drills. Who else here likes to train outdoors in all types of environment and what do you like best about it?

Training outside is great! Even in the dry weather, it gives a different feel, as you're going to be working on different surfaces, all of which have the potential to be uneven. Add in some snow, ice, or water and how you move to compensate for that extra needed balance is going to open up a few possibilities. :)

I like practicing outside for 2 reasons:
1_ My wife would kill me if I ruined the ceiling with the bokken or jo hee hee.
2_ Practicing on a mat or on my hardwood floor makes the smooth Aikido step pretty cool and "slidy". However if I ever have to use Aikido for personal defense I doubt I will be able to slide my feet that freely. So I like to practice on the concrete of my back porch or grass of back yard to learn to make all Aikido movement with regular step training myself to keep them as low as possible.
I love to train outside. You don't get to pick the environment that you are going to fight on the street. The part I love the best is the connection I get with the training that the masters of old did. I can't help but stop and think of the masters working through the elements and refining their skills and their bodies. I could almost picture them steaming in the cold. It is great!!
When I was younger I practiced outside every chance I got, even in the Winter. Now - I prefer to train when the weather is mild :) but even so, I dearly love training outside!
Being in San Francisco, I do have the luxury of experiencing very cold weather.... low-40's and during this winter, some 30's :uhyeah: which i know is not cold by mid-west standards, and we sometimes have heat that hover in the 90's and sometimes (rarely) 100+.

My favorite place to train is at the beach. And in Ocean Beach, San Francisco, the winds can be quite harsh. I run through the sand barefeet, do sprints, stepping or footwork, and plenty of meditation.

I enjoy the climate as a challenge or obstacle to strengthen my body as well as my inner being.
used to train outside about once a week. We would actually go to parks and whatnot to get training in on different surfaces and environments. It was cool doing forms around trees and miserable working out in wet weather... winter in Maryland was always fun...:xtrmshock
My personal dojo is outside and has little to no heat. It is interesting to see how you move when your joints are stiffening up, or you can't feel your fingers/toes.
Well I was just outside to bring the trash in and noticed that my driveway was super slick with ice so I decided to work on some lunging drills. Who else here likes to train outdoors in all types of environment and what do you like best about it?

In the beginning, people trained in the rain, sleet, snow & ice. Then there were buildings made, and it was good. Many years later they added fires & stoves and it was warm in the winter and they called it good. Many, many years after that the conditioning of hot summer air to cool air caused the people to create all ther dojos indoors and become "suburbanites" and they called it good. One day a man came and reminded the people to watch some old KungFu movies from the 70's and the people were reminded that once upon a time they were at one with nature. Unfortunatly they discovered that leaves do not make good toiletries and returned to the suburbs and their coffee makers. The End.

Y'all may take this in the good humour in which it as intended or thou shalt be cast into the lake of Mencia.
I too enjoy training out doors, and do so regularly. I do some form of outdoor training on a daily basis, and take my classes outside when the weather is good. I do my own training in all sorts of weather (except tornados, and lightening storms). I conduct Black Belt classes outside in any weather as well.

Being used to different environments is one reason. Enjoying the great outdoors, sunshine, and fresh air is another reason. I also just like to get in touch with nature whenever possible. I train in the yard, at the beach, in the sand dunes, in Lake Michigan, in the woods, and in the snow - burrrrr! - I love it!!! :)

I especially prefer the outdoors for meditation, weapons training (sword, three-sectional staff, archery, firearms, hand-grenades - - ok, ok, I don't do hand-grenades anymore!

CM D.J. Eisenhart