Our New Website

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Dear Friends,

I just wanted to let you all know that our website for Hapkido, has been updated.
The new website have a Virtual School section, with lots of pictures on basic Hapkido.
At the moment the website is only available in the Spanish Languaje, but the English section will be ready withing a few days.
Also, feel free to visit the video clips section of the website.

Any comments or sugestions will be greatly appreciated !


Fabian Duque
Hapkido JungSoolKwan.
Fabian, thanks for posting the site. Tried to access and the english version is not working yet. Just thought I'd let you know.

Dear Mike,

Thank you for letting me know !
I already spoke to the Webmaster about it , He said by that the end of this week the English Version will be up and running.
I apologize for the Misspelling you will find all over the English Version.
You Know I'm Colombian and my webmaster Is from Argentina.

I'm adding more pictures to the virtual Dojang. The idea is to have the Picts on secuence of technique
I'm just putting 2 or 3 techniques on each category of my School Curriculum.
Just as a reference for my students and net visitors.

Also, I'm working on a text book for my school, with all of the techniques up to 4th Dan.
Some picts you see in the virtual Dojang are part of that Book.
As you may now I leave the KHF, because I can not stand for their wrongs and poor moral.

Now I'm on my own and enjoy just learning,training, and teaching.

Look forward to see you again in the near future.

Take care,

Fabian Duque

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