Western Martial Arts in Northeast Ohio...new website

Ken Pfrenger

Green Belt
Northeast Ohio Historical European Martial Arts Society or NEOHEMAS for short is a training group that has existed for several years. Currently we are located in Kinsman Ohio in northern Trumbull County.

We focus on western martial traditions such as bareknuckle boxing, savate, Spanish navaja, Sambo, Carpathian mountain axe, various forms of wrestling and fencing with several different weapons. For more info visit our new website @
Awesome! I've been looking for something like this. I'm curious how the training differs from the Oriental arts despite that all arts to a degree share similar fundamentals (I'd assume)? Nothing against the Oriental arts, I've had fun training in Jujutsu and such, but the club I was in seemed to fall off the map and I'm searching for something new, and I figured why not something that's similar to what my ancestors did back in the day.

Do you know of any similar schools in Akron, Ohio? Trumbull is a bit of a haul on transport in my case.

Do ya'll work with any of the historical fighting methods out of places like England? I've not seen much around on British Isle's stuff outside of whats done in the SCA and other LARPing organizations.
Howdie Cadwallon!

We do some of the English arts...it just depends on who comes to the training sessions and what they are interested in. We definitely are a bit of a drive for you but you are still more than welcome to come out and train with us.

I do have some contact info for a few people in the Akron area...send me an email @ kenpfrenger@gmail.com and I will try and set you up.

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